#HighRiskCOVID19. You Don’t Say. Shame v. Cause and Effect (Again)

Apparently, social media is currently alight with a new hashtag, #HighRiskCOVID19 which is being used by people with “underlying medical conditions” who are at greatest risk, besides the elderly, of contracting and becoming dangerously ill with the disease.  Some of these people, but not all, are autoimmune patients and others voluntarily taking immunity-decimating Big Pharma medications to “treat” their underlying diseases including cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Crohn’s disease.  The message is intended to convince “well” people to stay home in order to not risk spreading the virus throughout communities and ultimately to those who are already seriously or chronically ill.

Putting aside the fact that these drugs often don’t even work, work well, or work for long to treat the pain and symptoms of autoimmune disease, despite the lies Big Pharma propaganda spews everywhere — lies that sick people’s friends and family often believe instead of believing the testimonies and lived experience of the people they supposedly love — these so-called “biologic” and chemotherapy drugs are prescribed to autoimmune patients because they destroy the sick person’s immune system, thereby (theoretically) preventing it from attacking the sick person’s own tissues.  Of course, destroying anyone’s natural immunity also makes them more susceptible to opportunistic infections and environmental pathogens like the common cold, flu and the novel Coronavirus or COVID19.  Essentially, autoimmune patients taking immunity-decimating drugs have allowed doctors to give them AIDS and all the complications of full-blown untreated AIDS.

In contrast, actual HIV-positive people with full-blown AIDS (assuming they have access to health care) are aggressively treated with an immunity-bolstering protocol and many are able to avoid the hideous outcomes that were a death sentence for AIDS patients in the 80s including lethal fungal infections/thrush, pneumonia and cancer.  But no one is bolstering autoimmune patients’ purposely fucked-up immune systems because that would defeat the point of letting doctors give them therapeutic AIDS to treat their AI.  In fact, immunocompromised AI patients, unlike those with full-blown untreated AIDS due to HIV, are fully expected by everyone to just go back to their previous lives, including returning to full-time work, like they aren’t sick at all.  Somehow having both AI and AIDS = healthy.  Some of them may — or may not — be told to wash their hands and avoid sick people, which is impossible innit.

Many AI patients are not even given the benefit of informed consent and are not fully informed of the very real and expected consequences of destroying their natural immunity to environmental pathogens.  Patients often aren’t even told how the medications they are taking are expected to work, or if they are “informed” they are too sick and cognitively impaired to even understand what they are hearing.  In other words, they don’t know they are consenting to essentially contracting AIDS.  If they do understand it, they may be too sick to even care.*

There is also the issue, isn’t there, of congenitally nonviable infants being handed over to Big Medicine to essentially animate them well enough to be lifelong victims and consumers of patriarchal Western medicine, where many if not all of these infants are immunocompromised and/or have reduced lung capacity and lifelong serious “preexisting medical problems” due to their congenital malformations or premature births.  Before that, many Western women take prescription medications meant to prevent miscarriage, when miscarriage has historically (and prehistorically surely) prevented nonviable and congenitally malformed fetuses from being born at all.  Get it?  Good.  Enter the novel Coronavirus.

Now, I am not going to repeat everything I have already said about immunity-decimating drugs and what they do to people who take them, and I’m not going to retread the ground I have already covered on nonviable infants.  But I will repeat, because I think it bears repeating, that natural law applies on this planet in every situation and circumstance, and what I mean by natural law is cause and effect.  There are natural, foreseeable consequences to anyone’s action and inaction that cannot be avoided, and these are in addition to any possible or probable consequences that are culturally-constructed.

And so-called “shame” is a male invention that is meant to obscure the reality, inevitability and primacy of natural law over male-made law and has nothing to do with anything in any real sense of altering material reality including affecting foreseeable outcomes.  This is important.

I will not and need not “shame” anyone for taking dangerous medications to treat hideous diseases like Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, which have notoriously poor prognoses and outcomes with or without treatment, but I will call attention to the foreseeable natural outcomes that follow.  I will not “shame” mothers who hand over their nonviable infants for reanimation and a lifetime of complications and medical torture, but I will look at them askance when they blame everyone except themselves and Big Medicine for the situation in which they now find themselves — as mothers of exceptionally vulnerable children in the context of a capitalist patriarchy that is literally built on the backs of the vulnerable, you guys.  That’s what it does.  If anyone thought it was a good idea to agree to accept 100% responsibility and little to no control over the life of a nonviable infant, I don’t know what to tell them.**

In fact, no one need tell deliberately immunocompromised sick people or mothers of nonviable infants what they are finding out for themselves right now: that infants, children and adults that have been compromised by Big Medicine are exceptionally vulnerable, they are in serious danger of increasing pain, disease and suffering as a result of patriarchal fiddling, and now that the damage has been done there’s not a fucking thing they can do about it.  If you are immunocompromised for any reason, even if everyone stays home for the rest of their lives, and even if #HighRiskCOVID19 is what prompts them to do so, you still live on a planet swimming in natural and man-made pathogens to which you have high susceptibility and little or no immunity.  And in the end, no one will bear the consequences of that except you, if you are the sick one, or the children whose mothers allowed this to happen, and that to happen, and the other damn thing after that.  Cause and effect you guys.  Cause and effect.

*Often autoimmune patients treating with biologics and chemo only begin to care later on, when the drugs prove ineffective to treat the pain and symptoms of their underlying disease and give them little or nothing but “side effects” like chronic nausea and GI symptoms, opportunistic infections, and drug-induced diabetes or lupus.

**High responsibility and low control are the objective markers of an unsatisfying career and are predictive of professional burnout.  Clearly these criteria apply in other areas as well, for example, existing while female in any context under a capitalist patriarchy.

Comments Open.

99 thoughts on “#HighRiskCOVID19. You Don’t Say. Shame v. Cause and Effect (Again)

  1. I have an AI disease, psoriasis. I have a (classified medically as) severe case of the rarest form on my legs and arms, along with 2 other kinds, (plaque and inverse) that are on other places on my body. It is miserable.

    I have carried it my entire life. Most think that it is passed genetically, if that is the case, then my father passed it to me, he had a horrendous case most of his life. I have spent most of my life in remission, except for 2 other times that lasted less than 2 years. This flare has been about 8 months, so far.

    I have no health insurance, and I live in the states, where we have for profit health system, and the for profit system does not make money from healing people. They make money by keeping people chronically ill and “treating” them ineffectively and endlessly. I had a blood infection that I picked up from a nasty hospital, it was cured by a few weeks of antibiotics. But I spent over a year with that infection, and it almost killed me, because there was no money in prescribing 2 cheap antibiotics. We had health insurance, and we were still bankrupted by the out of pocket costs.

    My experience with the male medical for profit system has shown me that there is literally no health care. I am not even upset that I can’t afford a doctor because they purposely harm in order to bleed the sick for money. I am beginning to have internal issues from the psoriasis, and honestly, my husband is way more upset than I am. He is pretty upset that I won’t go to a doctor, but he knows that there is just no point.

    And I can’t afford the prescription drugs, but again, the side effects of those drugs are just astoundingly frightening. One of the new psoriasis drugs does something nasty to the perenium. The perenium! How do they even get a fucking pill to do something horrid like that? Sometimes I wonder if they make some of those side effects on purpose, as some kind of a sick male joke.

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  2. Mentioning informed consent reminded me of this. I haven’t gotten a chance to read it yet but these doctors say that a whole list of illnesses are from the toxic materials in dentistry. I believe that this is one of the biggest causes. I’ve had serious issues with my molars in the last several years because practically all of them have huge fillings from when I was very young that began to break down and I’ve needed two crowns and root canals so far. I do think all these problems greatly added to how unwell I’ve been because I have a constant flow of toxins. Think about how much this must add to how sick we all are because the toxins are directly in our mouth all the time. It’s all very confusing what to do about any of it though. No one told me anything about how serious all these problems were when I was young or anything on what to do about it. Even just gargling with salt water is a huge deal that can help restore alkalinity to your mouth. My mom always knew gargling with salt water was good for you but didn’t even tell me about it until I was already an adult having severe problems, I don’t know why. People don’t think about health until it’s too late I guess. I’ve since learned a lot about alkalinity and use dental products based around restoring alkalinity and rebuilding enamel. Alkalinity is a huge deal! We don’t hear about this much at all and we really need to think about this for our whole body. But with my teeth I already have all these fillings and so have continued to have issues with those and can’t undo what they already did to me. Having these holes in your body filled with toxic materials and then that eventually have issues and let in bacteria has to be a serious cause of sickness. Dental care is not viewed at all seriously but problems with your teeth are such a dangerous thing that can cause severe illness and might kill you to get an infection.

    The whole idea of informed consent or anything is really a bunch of nonsense given how we are denied information about our bodies our entire lives. I remember briefly learning about bones in elementary school. I was extremely fascinated with bones and I’ve always loved skeletons, I was able to learn very easily then but wasn’t given the opportunity to learn many useful things. I remember a slight mention about the rest of the body too, it was all such an insignificant part of their education, though it’s the most important information to us. But they taught us so little so quickly and instead focused on turning us into robots who could take standardized tests.

    I’ve read articles before where they were talking about how “informed consent” is just a way to absolve the doctors from liability since the patients can’t possibly really understand what they are agreeing to, even the most educated people don’t understand all the specifics of what the doctors want to do. Even in an ideal system where they helped us for real and cared about us and actually worked to explain things well, there would still be only so much we could understand not having gone through all the schooling but there’s no where near that so people honestly don’t have a clue what they are consenting to. There’s always forced trust to some degree in getting any kind of care and we can’t trust them so we’re just screwed.

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  3. Radfemspiraling, that’s so oddly specific that the drug has a side effect to the perineum. Honestly these side effect might actually be them specifically experimenting on us to collect data about it.

    It seems like just about everything is some sort of AI disease doesn’t it? CRE was saying before how acne and nose problems are all AI too. It’s all kinds of things that you wouldn’t even think that are connected because we have been made to see everything as so fragmented. I’ve never been able to breathe through my nose. They said it was “asthma” as a kid because no one really bothered to actually check anything out and just immediately gave me drugs. So I saw quickly that they would be no help and I’ve never even tried to get any actual help for my nose to figure out what can be done about it.

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  4. Wow, the perineum? Like you, I am trying to think about what the fuck could cause iatrogenic illness and injury to the perineum. That’s a part of the body that starts out open and closes later (I think?) once the male/female delineation is made. So does it somehow open it back up chemically? Oh my God that is hideous. And that’s surely not even the only side effect. What on Earth are these assholes thinking and more to the point, why do people just let them do this shit? People need to WAKE THE FUCK UP and start thinking for themselves. Being authoritarians isnt getting them anywhere they want to be, but they just keep doing it and going there. I’m so sorry that you are AI too and that you have a severe and rare case. Just what you always wanted, right? To be a special snowflake in that specific way, so they can use you as a test subject for experimental medications that have hideous side effects and probably don’t even work. And if you decline, it must be bc its not that bad, or disabling, even tho they are the ones who said it was fucking severe compared to everyone else. My Crohn’s was also severe at the time they looked at it, but if I dont take the meds, it must be bc its not that bad, according to Social Security (and everyone).

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  5. Srsly if it can reopen the perineum it must be a hormone? What else would that kind of hormone open up that was supposed to remain closed/fused after birth? The urethra maybe? Ok now I’m gagging, what the actual fuck. I wonder if it would cause men’s scrotums to split and become vulvas too. I’m thinking of a friend who had a girl born with fused labia, she had to rub hormone cream on the area until it separated fully. And the mother had to wear latex gloves and have no contact with the hormone at all or it would’ve done things to her too.

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  6. Given the problems you just described with informed consent anotherwoman, I would think that people would stop trusting doctors at all simply based on that! That they are clearly more concerned with CYA (covering their own asses) than providing actual informed consent for anything should make people distrustful of the entire scheme. You have to suspend your disbelief so far and accept so many fictions, like when they ask you if you are pregnant before an xray or other procedure, or for most medications, if you are having intercourse, the only correct answer to that question is I DONT KNOW but I’ve never been given a pregnancy test before an xray or MRI before, not once. The purpose of them asking the question is exactly as you say: to protect themselves, so they can say well, I asked and she said no, so its her fault the baby was harmed, not ours. When they know as well as you do that there is no way to know for sure unless you test, and even then you can get a false negative. The only time the issue of possible pregnancy was taken seriously at all is when I was on Accutane, they made me take a pregnancy test and start taking the Pill even tho I wasnt even having sex at the time, and that was to protect them too bc Accutane is severely, over the top toxic to fetuses, like Thalidamide toxic, and they didnt want to get sued. They didnt care at all that Accutane is known to cause Crohns, and so is the Pill. They didnt mention that at all.


  7. Interesting I thought fused labia would have to be surgically opened. I was imagining something with the perineum like burning or something like that, that is so much worse.

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  8. Yep the asking if you are pregnant thing is completely about releasing them from liability. You saw with the Accutane your word that you can’t be pregnant or be getting pregnant because you’re not having sex is totally meaningless anyway. They will just have you do whatever they need to so they can say they have no responsibility and everything was your choice as an “informed consumer” because some uncaring stranger talked to you for five minutes about some dangerous complicated drugs.

    It’s good that most places don’t care if you are actually pregnant though because they will only ever use it against us. I read before how a woman talked about her experience after her and her husband were in a severe car accident and needed emergency treatment. Her husband was taken care of as soon as they got there but they forced her to take a pregnancy test first when she was severely injured and needed immediate help. She told them she wasn’t pregnant, didn’t care if she was, and would get an abortion but they made her take it anyway and wait for help. Who knows what they would have done of she was pregnant because she needed the treatment anyway so I don’t know what they could have even done differently. Maybe just have her sign papers that she knows she’s pregnant? Lol that sounds like something they would do.


  9. Everything they give causes some new horrible thing. It’s so evil. They give so much of these toxins to young naive people who trust their elders to some degree at least and just get poisoned. Then they can give more poison for the next condition.


  10. I’m just looking at my news sites at all the lockdowns happening today and TBH I’m wondering WTF is going on. CNN is saying that HALF the jobs in the US are currently at risk. I’m hearing about a possible $1000 a month stipend to every adult in the US bc there is no way most people are going to be able to pay their rent the way things are going. This is truly bizarre.


  11. It is absolutely bizarre. I’m getting a very weird vibe from all this. They’re testing something somehow.


  12. Andrew yang was constantly talking about a $1000/mo stipend of sorts as a part of his campaign addressing the issue of more and more jobs being lost to new technology. And I keep thinking about what Bronte71 said “there are no coincidences in geopolitics and war”. Like, maybe A.Y. played a part in priming us on the idea of getting a monthly government allowance, so that when TPTB roll out the corona/stop-everything plan people would already “feel familiar’ with the “$1000” idea.

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  13. Thats certainly possible. I just received my 2020 US Census form and I filled it out right away. So they know where to send me my money lol. I just tried to find out if there is a hold on evictions and shutoffs in my area but I didnt see anything. There are some mandates for the state but thats not one of them. This is so fucking crazy and I agree with those who think or feel that there is something going on besides what we are being told. I mean, obviously, thats always the case every day, why would this be any different? :/

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  14. I made a recent appointment with my GP for the explicit purpose of having her order blood tests that I want to have done based on my own research. I’ve had moderate symptoms for years now that she has not been able to help me with, and I’ve decided to sit in the drivers seat of my own health at this point.. At this appointment she basically told me, that there just isn’t much that standard medicine can do for cases like this mine, and that I should try a naturopath. and she basically admitted that the “medical field is very limited in what it looks at” and that “there’s a lot that medical science doesn’t understand yet”. I have to say I appreciate her humility and honesty. Certainly never experienced that from any male doctor. But yes, I’m in the same boat as AWIH from the sound of what she said. I’m just ready to avoid doctors as much as possible…..I’m sick of having them charge me an arm and a leg so they can stress me out/torture me/mutilate me, and then not actually make me any better. I’m looking into other natural ways to resolve my symptoms, which are moderate. Thankfully my symptoms are not debilitating like some of you have shared. I’m determined to be my own health detective. I did a hair test recently and found that my uranium levels are through the roof. After doing more research on uranium, it seems it is likely tied to the symptoms I’m having.

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  15. I think I just found a chiropractor that’s going to actually help me with my severe debilitating problems with my neck/back/shoulders and knees. I’m trying not to get too hopeful but these people actually sound like they know what they are taking about. From everything this guy showed me about my spine no wonder it hurts so back, it’s so distorted all over. When I had X-rays before they didn’t take all these angles like this place did and didn’t see anywhere near as much. They are going to stretch my spine out like a medieval rack as part of the treatment lol. So they are actually doing some things that no one ever even mentioned to me before.


  16. You think if they do implement UBI they will just jack up the prices for everything? Or do something else shitty? Oh my God that would be so much help if they could just do something good for once but I don’t know about that.


  17. Maybe the thousand dollars a month is really a response to how many people are horribly ill now and unable to work or unable to work enough and they’re realizing that things are going to collapse if they don’t address it. But don’t want to come out and admit how sick everyone is so they talk about “tech jobs” which is probably not as big an issue at this point as all the health problems plaguing our country.


  18. About the uranium, I’ve been seeing a lot of stuff about people saying they have heavy metal poisoning and are doing stuff like eating clay and taking other cleansing substances. I’ve been thinking about it for a while but haven’t been able to do enough research to find out what exactly I should take, or had the money to spend on it either and I’ve just had to focus on whatever is the most pressing issue for so long now to at least be sort of functional.


  19. yes, certainly the idea of getting free money sounds nice, but of course, ya know, what’s the trade off?

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  20. I’m watching a Norwegian horror show, Bloodride, and so far it’s my dream life. This family moved out to the country and gets to live in a nice house with a bunch of land and the neighbors immediately came over and were very friendly and offered help getting the place into shape and the next day a whole bunch of people all showed up to help and they all came with precious little animals of all kinds that they all are constantly petting and talking to. The woman hates it and wants to go back to the city and thinks the people are weird because they pay so much attention to the animals lol. There’s going to be some evil twist because it’s a horror show but if it was just like that, that’s everything I want in life. Nature, community, and being surrounded by lots of sweet little animals all the time.


  21. Re: AWIH, uranium, clay etc

    I just got tired of all the guess work. And while doing research about heavy metal poisoning I read that a hair test is a relatively more accurate way of seeing the presence of heavy metals (compared to blood or urine). So that’s what prompted that for me, I was originally suspicious of mercury. the uranium was completely unexpected. Yes, for uranium specifically, I’ve read that bentonite clay can help eliminate it from the body, as well as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). how crazy would that be if, after all these tests and shit with doctors over the years trying to resolve my symptoms, and all I had to do was eat clay and baking soda…lol.

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  22. Yes I do believe all we need to do to eliminate these heavy metals is to eat the clay and baking soda and it will do far more good than anything the doctors will do. Also that it doesn’t even matter what the tests say because we could all use some detoxing anyway. You just need to make sure you know what the right amount of it you should be eating is and the specifics of everything about it. If you research this please share and simplify, I am too busy and stressed to even think about anything else. If I can actually manage to have a spine that isn’t twisted up so much and heal the soft tissue damage in my knees and shoulders that would be such a vast improvement it will feel like a miracle.

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  23. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/coronavirus/2020/03/13/national-guard-activated-to-combat-coronavirus-spread-in-six-states-more-to-follow/

    Excuse for getting us used to more military presence? A way for them to make more money to get people to buy everything in a panic and also have the stock market low and buy cheap stocks? Maybe both.

    This sucks, I just found someone who might actually help with my spine and knees and I’ve been selling stuff out of my house almost everyday getting things cleared out of here of stuff I don’t want so I really hope things don’t get more shut down here and set me back again.


  24. RE: AWIH, national guard.

    I thought the same thing a few weeks ago while hearing john oliver’s show. They made a joke about people ordering pizzas and having them delivered by military soldiers. cue laughter. I immediately thought, what a great way to subliminally trick people into feeling comfortable with the idea of having armed military personnel (aka men with guns) patrolling our neighborhoods and preventing people from moving around freely. They even made a silly little photoshoped mock up of a dude in camo holding a gun and a pizza, and a tank in the background with a light-up pizza delivery sign on top. Audiences is like “oh hahaha what a preposterous idea”.

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  25. I’m starting to get really scared from this. I don’t know what to think about it all.


  26. I am hearing so many theories (well, several theories that are very similar, repeated by different people) about what’s really going on wrt the quarantines. Everyone seems to be in agreement that what we are being told doesnt make any sense and that other things make more sense. People havent been able to consistently pay their rent for a long time and no one really cared enough to do anything about it, we all just slowly started to accept that people living in vehicles was “goals” so why suddenly does anyone care enough to seriously consider this stipend, or putting a hold on service terminations and evictions? We suddenly care about people getting sick, when people have been dropping like flies for a long time, and the elderly and people with preexisting and chronic conditions have gotten fully used to being thrown under the bus. Now, suddenly everyone cares about our wellbeing so much that they are going to stay home from work and get evicted from their own apartments so they dont make us sicker than we already are? Bullshit. This makes no sense whatsoever. I would sooner believe that we are being prepared for an asteroid strike than I would believe what they are telling us about covid19 is 100% real.

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  27. I dont know what to think either anotherwoman! And I go back and forth from feeling very calm about all of it to being terrified that the jig is up and I’m going to be out on the street like next month bc theres no way I’m going to make my rent under these conditions. This is even crazier than it was before and things were incredibly crazy before, trying to survive as a sick person with so little support. The calmness is coming from the knowledge that other people are in the same boat as I am, and that FINALLY people are starting to make noises about trying to catch people before we all end up below the floor. For me, the talk of this stipend and postponing/disallowing evictions is very good news that wouldnt have ever happened without this “crisis” when I’ve been in crisis for a very long time and almost no one cared. Suddenly people are starting to care, but I really dont think we are being told the truth about any of it bc the truth always makes sense and this doesnt make any sense at all.

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  28. Right the idea of a stipend and even the thought they might start UBI would be such a relief that it would provide a floor to build on and not worry about being left with nothing but if they do that I fear it’s because of something evil. Also if they do it based on people who did tax returns I wouldn’t get the stipend anyway because all I could manage for the last years was to do crappy freelance stuff and make barely any money that I immediately had to spend on living and medical care, so I never even managed to figure out how to do taxes on that and was too sick to even think about it. Now all this is fucking up the money I’ve been making and the progress I’ve been making because I put the business stuff I’m working on mostly on hold to do a huge house clean out after I had to move in here and we have so much stuff to get rid of. I’ve been selling lots of things out of the house and even still had someone come over two days ago but I’m worried everyone’s going to be afraid now and this will be stalled too. Now I have an appointment for my cat at the vet in a couple days and she has to get all tested to she what’s wrong with her digestion and I have to make sure she gets whatever she needs to get better with all this going on too. I don’t understand how that works if they shut everything down. They would still have to let people go to the vet and the doctors right. Would those be the only places still allowing people in? And all the grocery and restaurants will only deliver? Has anything like this happened before?

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  29. My mom keeps going on and on about the poor precious old people being in danger and the young and heathy will be okay from it and that’s why everyone needs to stay home because they will infect the old people. I tell her that the young people are all sick now and she hears it and knows we’re all severely poisoned but doesn’t really quite get it. She talks a lot about how everything is poisoned too and wonders stuff like which foods are less poisonous to us now that everything is full of poison, but she still thinks that being young = healthy.

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  30. IDK how they expect to get everyone their stipend. That makes much less sense to me than putting a moratorium on shut offs and evictions which would be easy. I havent filed taxes either so if that’s how they are deciding, I wont get it either. They said “every adult in the US” but I’m sure there has to be some criteria, like citizenship maybe, or taxes, or even just an address. I cant imagine every adult in the US getting a paper check, that makes no sense at all.


  31. I still don’t even know what the hell is wrong with me really I am just making educated guesses about everything because I haven’t had actual help. I’ve been so worried for so long that I’m going to die of a tooth infection from all the severe painful problems I had to fix in my molars, which is a really bullshit way to die when we can easily fix all that now, and so worried about not being able to move because of how debilitating the problems with my neck and knees have been. It’s taken all of my time, money, and energy to deal with those things. I don’t know why I’m severely inflamed all over and in constant pain everywhere not just the specifically hurt spots with extreme fatigue and you talked about before how not being able to breathe through your nose is an AI thing, and I’ve never been able to breathe out of my nose and it’s always stuffed up and draining of mucus. So I don’t know if this is some sort of AI condition. It’s all too much stuff to think about it and I need help from people who can actually help me but they don’t seem to exist. I’ve got my hopes up the chiropractor I’m going to now will help me with the stuff he can work on and it worries me I’m going to feel worse if it doesn’t help much because I’ve already accepted being in severe pain forever so I can’t handle getting my hopes up and then dashed anymore.


  32. That wouldn’t help a lot of people if they go by taxes, even if everyone was doing their taxes like they are supposed to, there would be plenty of people who just started working or just didn’t work last year. Apparently that’s what they did when they gave a stipend before and my mom got one but my dad didn’t because he didn’t ever do his taxes. I wonder if they are doing anything for people who own their home but are still paying stuff for it too and not only renters.


  33. I’m not feeling too sorry for people who have equity in anything rn, but they could easily put a moratorium on foreclosures too if they wanted to. I just cant imagine how a stipend is going to work. And as you alluded to before, the only way a stipend would be meaningful is if they prevented everyone from raising prices/rent from what they were before. Thats easily enough done though if they wanted to. Easier than getting every adult in the US a paper check.


  34. In that link that AWIH shared, guess what one of the things that military personnel are doing…..delivering food to people. Guess that idea of soldiers delivering pizzas wasn’t preposterous after all, eh studio audience? Bronte71 was right. psychopaths like to tell us what they are going to do before they do it.

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  35. Well my mom owns this house but we’re still poor as fuck and just owning a little house doesn’t change that. So we don’t have rent to pay but the house still isn’t completely paid yet. That would be cool if they did stuff to help everyone with house payments too. I don’t really know how they would get everyone the stipend now that I heard that about it being through taxes. If that’s how they do it a lot of people who need it the most aren’t even going to get one.


  36. Yeah probably, that sounds about right. Why are you blanking out the word vaccines though?


  37. Lol yep telling us about this crazy stuff in a joke first makes it a lot less scary to people when they enforce it on us. I think more people are starting to get scared that the government’s doing crazy stuff to us though because of how extreme this is all of a sudden.


  38. The tards think its something to do with vaccines and/or chipping everyone. They think the chip is the mark of the beast lol. Maybe it is, who knows. We already know that they never let a good crisis go to waste, so it could be literally anything couldnt it, and it could have nothing at all to do with COVID19. Honestly, my strength is in analysis and making connections, but without all the information I’m just completely in the dark. I have nothing valuable to offer. Thats whats so frustrating about the tards, they are trying to make connections too but they dont have all the information either. Even highly educated poli-sci types dont have all the information so I dont enjoy reading the geopolitical stuff either bc its just so much bloviating, altho I do enjoy it when someone breaks it down for me so I can put it in the mix lol. I can report that a lot of people are saying they have had a sense of impending doom for months or years, and thats not counting the ones who have thought the world was ending since forever. People are having visions and dreams and sensing that something major is coming, or already happening. Ive been feeling the same thing.

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  39. Being in constant pain and worry over survival creates a feeling of impending doom though, so hard to say if that’s just not part of the regular torture we’re all going through.

    What are they saying about chips being “the mark of the beast,” what does that literally mean to what they think the people are doing to us?


  40. Re “poor as fuck” I suppose it depends on what TPTB are trying to achieve. If the intent is to grim-level everything to the ground, and get rid of the “middle class” completely, they could just focus on renters and not help homeowners so pretty soon everyone will have nothing. If the intent is to keep people sheltered, or something else, they might help homeowners too. I wouldn’t say anyone who has equity in anything is poor as fuck but since we aren’t defining our terms, no one needs to agree with me. I’ve had equity in automobiles a couple of times but never anything else and I had the option to sell, which is much more than I have now. I also had the stress of trying to resource hoard my “equity” and protect my hoard, which is impossible. But I would’nt say I had nothing. All this stuff is meant to keep the poor as fuck and middle class hoard-protectors infighting with each other anyway so I think its best not to do it. Compared to Bill Gates we are all poor as fuck, but that’s not what I was talking about. All middle class people think they are poor as fuck when they really arent, but they are definitely mad/sad bc the stress of hoard protecting is not compatible with life. It also violates natural law. Its a hellish existence actually. But what isnt?

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  41. It could definitely be a symptom of chronic illness. A lot of people are sick and a lot of doomers are sick. At some point tho it becomes, why is everyone so sick? It could literally be the end of the world if people and animals cant survive in their environment. I mean, something horrible is definitely happening. As far as the mark of the beast, I think that has something to do with endtimes prophecy. They have been waiting for that one to happen and they think the chip could be what they’ve always known was coming, but didnt know what form it would take. Why am I reminded of Ghostbusters rn lol. That was all endtimes stuff too at the end.


  42. Dude struggling to afford food and medical care and what not is still poor as fuck. When I move out of here I still will own nothing myself and will have to figure out something. Which needs to be soon because it’s a lot to take constantly getting yelled at and hearing how retarded I am every day. So yes definitely poor as fuck lol.


  43. You don’t have equity. You are not your mother. This is another way they keep us fighting with each other, they make people think they are their own parents and sympathize/identify with their parents, or adopt their parents class. But we are not our parents. I think we are the first generation to have less than our parents had. If you can’t sell it, you don’t own it. If you owe the same or more than its worth, thats not really owning either. Also, for the record, “struggling to afford” something is not the same as having to go without it. That’s another thing middle class people dont seem to grok. There are people who actually have to go without. Middle class people think its “unfair” that they have to struggle or make choices, but poor as fuck struggle and dont have choices. That’s the difference. Medicaid doesnt cover prescription eyeglasses for adults. Think about that shit.


  44. This house is my inheritance and she’s been constantly telling me for a lot of years how she can die at any day and make sure I do all the paper work right lol. It’s like the people saying the world is going to end for thousands of years. Like she’s been saying how she could die at any moment for so long so after saying that for enough years eventually she’ll be right. It’s really morbid. Practically every time me and my ex would come here for dinner she would be telling him too all about to make sure I do all the paperwork to put the house on my name when she dies.

    What is up with how much so many older people talk about death. Like just because you get closer to it, it’s all you can talk about. My dude’s aunt would say all this crazy stuff about how when she retired she’s going to get a dog and teach the dog to call someone when she dies. We called the imaginary future dog her death dog.

    We are the first generation to have less than our parents even though we’re also more educated than they were. They could just go walk in wherever and get a job back then. They weren’t sending out endless applications in an impersonal format online where no one ever talks to you and they weren’t all sick. My mom said how she went to go get as job as a teenager and said she was older and they didn’t even check anything. Plus we’re too old to have learned all the stuff the kids are learning now about technology at a young age that they can use to make money. They’re going to really need it though because they’ll probably be even sicker. But we were born at this in between time when we all got screwed over really bad.

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  45. I’m glad at least I have this place to live though even though I have to deal with her and I’m just getting threatened with homelessness by my mom instead of facing actual homelessness not being able to pay rent somewhere. If she can stop yelling so much for a while and let me work in peace it can give me some time to get things going for myself. It’s such a rip off how much it costs to rent places because people who buy houses get to pay so much less a month. You’re always paying more for everything the less you have.

    Have you seen how many people just want to go live out in the woods now? I joined some off grid groups and there are a bunch of people asking if there’s anywhere you can just go live in the woods with nothing but all the laws won’t let people do that. That’s how bad things are that a bunch of people just want to go be homeless in the woods rather than having to worry about being homeless in the city but it’s illegal to even live in nature anymore.


  46. My nana wrote her own eulogy lol. Like, I cannot imagine wasting one minute of my life writing what someone will read over my dead body at my funeral. What the fuck. That is really morbid how your mom thinks about your “inheritance.” And your aunt — lol. All I can think is, that’s not really fair to the dog, and who cares if she is found right away anyway? Like she will care after she is dead? My mom’s house will go to her new husband if she dies. She told me and my sister at her wedding that we can all fight over it if we really want it lol. At the time it meant nothing to me bc I thought I would be able to take care of myself at some point and wouldnt need her stupid defective middle class property anyway. That was literally the week before I started my first lawyer job. Her house has a huge electrical pylon in the backyard so would probably make me sick as hell to live there anyway, and lawyer fees for fighting over it would be more than its even worth.


  47. Lol that was my ex’s aunt who wants the dog. Everything she said about the dog was all about how she was going to die. It was so weird. We were like umm why don’t you get a dog to have good times with the dog instead of to prepare for your death. She acted the whole thing out all dramatically too how she’s going to die and the dog will call someone and she even named the dog already.

    My mom had to work her whole life for this house and she’s obsessed with making sure it goes to me and I have something I can use to take care of myself to live here or sell it, which is good that I have a mom who cares so much about that, but the way she goes about it all is nuts. Sometimes it’s on a daily basis where she talks about the paper work I need to do to put the house on my name and how she might die at any minute and I need to know what to do.

    But considering the disgusting horrifying mess my dad left me in his apartment with no inheritance besides a tiny bit of money in his account, her obsession with the paperwork and making sure I get an inheritance is definitely preferable.


  48. She could just give it to you now if she is so worried about it. There is probably an elder law or estate planning clinic near you that would give advice or make the transfer for her now if she wants to do that. Call your state’s bar association for a referral, or call an estate planning attorney or law school near you and ask if that’s something they could help with. She sounds really stressed out about it. Trying to protect a hoarde is stressful and unnatural. You could both probably do without the stress, not to mention what its doing to your relationship.


  49. I don’t know I think there was some reason why my name’s not on it yet. Something to do with how awful I am or something. Lol I have no idea. She talks about it so much it gets hard to listen, it has the opposite effect that someone wants when they are constantly telling you something because you zone out. She obsessively thinks about this though. It is really hard on our relationship because I don’t want to hear her constantly talk about dying, it’s disturbing how constant it is. It’s all she managed to get in her life and she’s so afraid something will happen that it won’t go to me because of some bureaucratic stuff.


  50. She has all the paperwork all together and everything written down what to do about her house and her car to make sure they go in my name but I guess she thinks I’m to stupid to follow the directions she wrote or something so she has to tell me about it everyday.


  51. I think I’m really understanding what anorexia is now from what we talked about before, how the obsession with a “flat stomach” could be a reaction to bad swelling and bloating from digestive issues and not wanting to eat could be about feeling pain or discomfort from eating, then it just turns into am obsession with looks from all the social pressures on women. Because I gained about 15 pounds since I had to move back here and I feel fat as hell right now. If I said that to someone they would not understand because I am little and they wouldn’t even notice but it’s all this weird bloating swelling stuff that feels so bad and I hate myself for letting this happen to myself I know my digestion can’t take it and my body is so messed up it can’t support any extra weight at all. I can’t definitely see how someone, especially a teenage girl feeling like this physically with very little knowledge of how the body works and constant attention on her looks can have this develop into a whole complex about it.

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  52. You don’t have to tell me here (or anywhere) but I hope her estate plan is actually based in reality and the laws in your state. I hope she is right that the documents will do what she wants and that her instructions are clear. That sounds stressful AF.

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  53. Yes she’s definitely gone over every detail of what needs to be done to transfer everything to me and make sure it all goes smoothly.. because she’s been obsessively thinking about dying for many years now. But I understand why she’s like that, she’s seen people’s houses taken away after they died because they owed a little bit on it or something and the kids got nothing after the people paid so much to own the house. I am really thankful to be getting some inheritance and have a mom who cares about me to make sure I’m left with something, and especially since my dad’s death was so horrible and when we looked through his apartment we were literally digging through trash everywhere to see if there was anything that had any sentimental or monetary value for me to keep. But it is a lot to deal with hearing her constantly talk about dying. She’s also obsessed with her ashes being released because I still have the ashes of my dog and cat and of my dad and she says that’s ” keeping their spirit trapped” and I disagree, they’re just ashes. I’m going to plant them in a tree or something one day. So it’s part of her death file that I have to release her ashes to nature like our native ancestors lol.


  54. Yes it is an extremely stressful situation they create with all these steps involved in making sure property isn’t stolen away from the family after someone dies. She really does love me and cares very much to make sure that I am not left with nothing, even though she acts like she hates me and threatens to drop me off at the homeless shelter too.


  55. About the anorexia too, fasting is actually extremely effective in helping digestive issues so someone doing it right to help their health can be helping treat and possibly fix digestive issues depending on what’s wrong and how severe so it is probably a natural reaction for people to want to do extended fasting to relieve problems but then it can get out of hand for someone being made to worry about everything instead of given knowledge.

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  56. I wont dwell on it, but what I am saying is, I hope she got legal advice, and followed it, regarding her estate plan. If she had a lawyer involved, you should be able to talk to the lawyer and get the full picture from her/him either now or after the death or both. Its terrible that she is so obsessed about it. And if you have no idea what’s going on, trying to figure it out the day or week after she dies will be very stressful for you. It would also be a bad time to figure out there was something wrong, when she isnt there to correct it. I hope you can both get some clarity and comfort around that bc it sounds hideous.


  57. This is scary! Everyone is going crazy here. We went and stocked up on groceries just now. It’s all chaos. I was thinking aren’t all these people out panic buying going to spread the virus to each other anyway because they’re all out at once? There was so many ambulances driving by continuously like I’ve never seen so many.


  58. You need to do taxes right now! I just found out they are voting on sending out 2,000 to everyone and Trump says he likes it and the other dudes say they like it but you need to have a tax return filed to get it.


  59. Jesus this is so crazy. Ok, I think efiling with estimates should be good enough, then can submit an amendment later if necessary. Seems like they just want to know people worked and where to send the money? I hope? WTF. Thanks for the info.

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  60. It makes sense I guess that they would have to do it based on tax return because how else would they know where to send money. I think people who didn’t make anything can even submit a tax return saying that? So maybe everyone can get it. I have to figure out mine now and it’s going to be very confusing because I’ve worked a bunch of freelance jobs here and there and I wasn’t keeping track of anything, just frantically doing it all.


  61. They are getting out the weasel words as usual. First it was “every adult” then I saw “every worker” now I’m seeing “every tax filer.” Now they are saying there are income caps, but I haven’t seen anything about income minimums. I wonder if anyone is actually going to see a dime.


  62. I think they will have to with how many people are unable to work right now. I’m getting my taxes in right away to make sure they process my stuff quickly.


  63. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/18/what-to-do-if-you-cant-make-your-rent-or-mortgage-payments.html

    Trump made it so they can’t do evictions or foreclosures for two months. Utility companies are saying they won’t shut off things for two months too. But they are all just postponing the payments not offering help with reductions. So people barely making it month to month are now going to be stuck with even more debt when they are back to work having to make up for these payments and there’s going to be a lot of collapsing under debt from that.

    Lots of crazy things are happening from this. Look at this:

    “Now is the time to create permanent housing for homeless New Yorkers,” the group said. “It’s immoral and wrong for the state to keep any homeless New Yorkers in tightly-packed shelters where coronavirus can spread rapidly. All homeless New Yorkers should be moved to safe, quality housing as fast as possible.”

    What?… Suddenly it’s immoral and wrong to keep people in tightly pack shelters all because of the coronavirus? And homeless people should get homes? Why do they suddenly care about homeless people and old and sick people?



  64. If they really do the $2000 stimulus that’s not going to be nearly enough to make up for all this disruption in everyone’s income.


  65. Yes postponing payments just delays the inevitable. They need to be suspended and forgiven. As for the homeless population, I think there are something like 50,000 homeless people in NYC on any given day. That might not even count the number in shelters, I can’t remember. I remember they used to make people try to get back into any living situation they had been in in the previous year or something before they would give them any help. So women were having to beg their abusive partners, parents and whatnot to take them back before they could get any help. The situation in NYC is unbelievably horrific. And yes, they are going to change all of that now, because of Coronavirus, when they never did it for swine flu, TB, hepetitis or whatever? And what about the chronically ill, there will always be way more chronically ill than acutely ill, even if COVID19 takes off it will be nothing compared to that. This special treatment for the acutely ill (and those who “might” become acutely ill) is completely bizarre given how prevalent serious chronic illness is.


  66. Also, I still havent seen anything that says people don’t have to pay their rent. HUD has nothing to do with most renters so I dont think that applies to most people. HUD is like housing projects and things IIRC. I’m not clear on what is happening but I dont think anyone has been given anything yet esp if they arent in HUD housing or have a loan.


  67. Are people understanding that the “crisis” they are feeling rn is what many of the chronically ill have been dealing with for months, years and decades? Everyone is panicking, they are fearful for their lives, dignity, property, credit, for their animals, their health, their long and short term outcomes including food, medicine, shelter and safety but when the chronically ill have tried to explain what this EXACT THING is like, people are all like “oh you will figure something out.” Oh really? Like its completely in our hands? And thats not even considering that the chronically ill deal with all this shit while they feel like death. Most of the people panicking from Cornonavirus are perfectly healthy! They aren’t even sick. It’s so crazy.

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  68. The HUD thing was something Trump declared federally but some individual states and areas were saying that they are letting people have a chance to catch up on rent, mortgage, and utilities without penalty. But if they are not reducing any of it or the government giving a bigger stimulus it still won’t be enough to help people living paycheck to paycheck and will just have everyone collapsing under payments in a few months. So they’re going to have to figure out something or everything is going to get much more chaotic.

    All this sudden concern over helping the homeless is straight up bizarre. Why do they suddenly care? What about all the other infectious diseases and all the chronic illnesses? Is this some kind of excuse to change things? Are they sensing we’re headed towards collapse if they don’t? They can come in and be our saviors now that they’ve set all this up. Or maybe this is about a biological weapon that got released and it’s more dangerous than we understand?

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  69. It is all crazy. The funny thing now is thinking maybe all this might turn it to be helpful because of what a huge help it would be if they did give us some stipends and maybe did other helpful things as a result, after already living in a state of sickly panic for so long.


  70. Is this too asshole? I cant even tell anymore. It’s not anything I feel super strongly about, its just something I’m noticing. Welcome to the party, pal. Now people might FINALLY grok what this has been like for sick people this entire time. We have been in crisis for months, years and decades. Literal fucking crisis EVERY DAY FOR YEARS. With no one or almost no one even noticing or caring or believing it when we told them. And we’ve had to deal with it while we were actually sick.

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  71. OMG. They are testing Plaquenil for COVID19 cases. That is an autoimmune disease treatment guys. They use it for Lupus and RA and other things. It destroys your immune system. What the fuck is going on.


  72. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxychloroquine

    Side effects:

    The most common adverse effects are a mild nausea and occasional stomach cramps with mild diarrhea. The most serious adverse effects affect the eye.

    For short-term treatment of acute malaria, adverse effects can include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, heart problems, reduced appetite, headache, nausea and vomiting.

    For prolonged treatment of lupus or arthritis, adverse effects include the acute symptoms, plus altered eye pigmentation, acne, anaemia, bleaching of hair, blisters in mouth and eyes, blood disorders, convulsions, vision difficulties, diminished reflexes, emotional changes, excessive coloring of the skin, hearing loss, hives, itching, liver problems or liver failure, loss of hair, muscle paralysis, weakness or atrophy, nightmares, psoriasis, reading difficulties, tinnitus, skin inflammation and scaling, skin rash, vertigo, weight loss, and occasionally urinary incontinence. Hydroxychloroquine can worsen existing cases of both psoriasis and porphyria.


  73. Hmm, but it doesnt seem to make people more susceptible to infections like other autoimmune treatments do.


    How the drug works is unclear, but recent research has pointed to an inhibitory effect on toll-like receptors that are proteins involved with inflammation. The good news is that hydroxychloroquine targets the immune system without causing an increase in the risk of infection or cancer that can be seen with other immunosuppressant medications.


  74. That’s really strange. That’s doesn’t happen with other viruses does it? Think it’s because it’s a bioweapon? Our immune systems are unable to regulate the reaction to it because it’s something really unnatural?


  75. Maybe we should all be taking biologics afterall! Haha! Is it too late to change my mind about that Humira? JK. I still wouldnt take that shit. The Plaquenil is interesting bc it apparently wont make you more susceptible to the virus or give you pneumonia, which would defeat the point since pneumonia is whats killing COVID19 patients. It just makes you go blind. :/ And a shit ton of other horrible shit.

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  76. They come right out and tell us how bad all this stuff is and exactly what horrible things are going to happen to you from it and people still just take it all.

    Hmm so I just had the thought, if our immune systems do have out of control reactions due to a manufactured biological agent that they can’t deal with normally, maybe GMOs could be the main source of all the autoimmune maybe even more than all the poisoning. Our bodies have processes to clear out toxins but they might not be able to properly react at all to how altered our foods are with all the gene manipulation they are doing to them.


  77. This is a tangent, but a lot of people are saying that these quarantines will result in another baby boom, too. I can’t imagine the lack of empathy it takes to willingly bring another person into this dystopian world.

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  78. I’m having trouble replying to comments on this thread. Either I’m having internet problems or I’m being censored bc of the subject matter of this post. If people are posting comments and they arent showing up, please let me know.


  79. Separite, imagine them telling the kids about deciding to have them, “well we were quarantined in our homes because of a worldwide epidemic due to the massive amount of people on Earth and it spread like wildfire because so many people were severely ill already, so we thought it would be fun to have a kid to play with during the next quarantine! You’re a plague baby! 👶 It’s so special”

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  80. Yeah, boredom during quarantine is a silly excuse to bring humans into existence. Then again, I’ve never been able to come up with a good reason to deliberately breed. I guess quarantine babies are no more ridiculous than conceiving humans for them to be hetero status symbols, life script milestones, the glue in unhappy marriages, or the objects that give meaning to adults’ lives.


  81. Baby boom boom happened when the men came back from war, women got forced out of jobs & back to survival humpage. What if this is what’s happening again.?

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  82. My tummy had been bloated & big for years . Eating organic made it look like ilm a fitness instructor. The moment I eat any non organic fruit : it bloats back up like a balloon 🎈

    The only thing that could slow down the Boom this time is the mass infertility,thankfully


  83. Jayne, ilm with u on the pointless Drs. It,s free for me but I gave up after they refused to give me antibiotics long term &for the infection i had for 13 Damn years. Seriously,I wish I was in Russia rn. They do over counter antibiotics thanks to no concept of medical paternalism.They simply trust u not be an idiot with your own treatment.

    With the house , I slaved over helping Ma with her garden & upkeep & paid taxes for a decade. I thought of it as our house since I helped her get it. But she just lorded it over me & tormented me on stupid things like no heating when I was freezing with AI. It got really ridiculous with the It,s my house ! stuff towards the end. She wouldn’t let me adjust it for my illness in minor ways

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  84. With hoarding: think of Why it began. Would strong males ever need property? No: cos they could just pummel anyone they like : to eat & root. They still steal lunch from weaklings at school today& seduce/ assault with abandon.theyndont have the brains or patience to build giant systems of hoarding either

    But the Beta Weasels would need something to get females & keep them, no..? Especially when they can gather & hunt all the food they need on their own + make shelter. Fast forward a few Millenia: &those little males now Own the whole damn world ,don’t they.? & busy destroying it .is it because their existence hinges on the wombs having nothing to turn to,?
    really have no stake in mass destruction, I dont think. Their Y was always safe & secure. Their violence is naturally localised. Only Beta tools spread it far & wide

    Our sexual dimorphism in size has reduced dramatically since Stone Age. Is this because we,ve been forced to shag small pricks thanks to resource hoarding racquet?

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  85. Are you all noticing how “stay safe” is the new greeting? It’s fucking creepy.

    I feel like arguments are about to break out with religious people too like with Merry Christmas, some people will start saying “may God keep you safe” or whatever then other people will get mad and it will be a whole thing.


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