This is a Real Post, I Just Can’t Give it the Title I Want. What the Hell, WordPress?

Original title of this post:  End of Supply Chain = End of Feminism? Another COVID-19 Post. Discuss.  It won’t publish under that title.  Hmm.

This is the latest COVID-19 video by conspiratard and admitted paranoid schizophrenic* Clif High.  I say that to get the introduction and obvious credibility issue out of the way in the beginning.  I keep my eye on many channels and try to take in as much information as I can and use my own discernment the best I can when trying to figure out just what the fuck is happening.  Clif High has ideas and cites sources that I find interesting.  In this vid, one of the things that caught my ear is his observation that if and when the supply chain ends, and that could happen permanently due to the now-global COVID-19 pandemic, it will mean the beginning of a “male ethos” and the end of feminism, where feminism is more or less completely dependent on the availability of calories (for one thing) and gathering publicly in groups (for another).

He also portends the end of SJWs or social justice warrior type behaviors and activities which are dependent on the same things.  Both SJW and feminist activities are also dependent on the court system, but as he notes, the court system is pretty much shut down right now.  He doesn’t think the courts will come back online anytime soon if ever and he might be right about that.

Of course, these observations have been made by feminists before who have noted that without electricity (for example) modern women wouldn’t have the energy or leisure time to pursue feminism, which for most feminists is basically a hobby they work on when they aren’t cleaning up after, sexually servicing, and otherwise being actively oppressed by men.  In the case of women and feminism, the electric washing machine and vacuum cleaner (for example) have freed up women’s precious resources of energy and time, which some choose to dedicate to the “cause” of feminism.  For women who don’t practice domesticity or who aren’t busy cleaning up after men either personally or professionally or both, it’s tough to argue that the easy availability of calories — meaning food — hasn’t been instrumental in allowing them to choose how to spend their time, including engaging in feminist pursuits, instead of foraging or hunting for nourishment.

Clif High sees the writing on the wall with regard to feminism, if the supply chains are going to be affected permanently or long term.  Time will tell what the effects will be on supply chains, but as someone who has been involved with the radical feminist community for many years I think it’s worth thinking and talking about what the likely effects will be on the movement (such as it is) and on women if things continue down this road.  Of course, it’s possible that things will come back online in weeks to months like we are being told.  Possible, yes.  Likely?  I don’t know.

I’ve thought for a long time that if women didn’t lie to ourselves and each other about men and what they do and what they are, that things would be better for us than they are now.  As it is, we are all bogged down with betrayal-trauma when men rape and abuse girls and women, where betrayal trauma comes from being harmed/traumatized by someone we trust, or at the very least someone on whom we are reliant for care and survival.  Theoretically then, if women did not trust men, and/or if we were not reliant on men for care and survival, whatever they did to us wouldn’t be as bad as what they do to us now.  Their harming us would still be harmful but we would not suffer the additional harm of having been betrayed.  That’s important, I think.

If men were just seen as the violent rapists and abusers they pretty much universally are, meaning, cross-culturally and across time, we would have no reason to trust them.  Being captured and abused by one might be less of a brainstem-rattling life-changing event and more one that was seen as unfortunate but basically inevitable.  Instead of “But I trusted him!” and similar betrayal language, and all the negative fallout from that emotional and physical place of being within striking distance without emotional or physical protection, because we won’t admit we need it, perhaps rape would be more a case of “Damn, one got me!” on par with, perhaps, being attacked by a wild animal.  Maybe the fallout from that place would be less.  Less heartbreaking.  Less confusing.  Maybe if women didn’t lie about what men are, we wouldn’t simultaneously suffer the betrayal of women placing other girls and women in harms’ way by exposing them to men and relying on them for our care and comfort in the first place.

Of course, the liberal feminists Clif High is obviously talking about would never do that, meaning stop lying and start telling the truth about men, preferring to beg men for crumbs in men’s courts for example.  If Western civilization is about to drastically change, as Clif High believes, it’s possible that while liberal feminism and SJWs will disappear, the radicals will have more options.  Possible, yes.  Likely?  You tell me.

*He has said publicly that he “used to be” paranoid schizophrenic, whatever that means.  Personally, I think even if he or anyone is “crazy” it doesn’t necessarily mean they are wrong.

Comments Open.

110 thoughts on “This is a Real Post, I Just Can’t Give it the Title I Want. What the Hell, WordPress?

  1. Algorithms not allowing stuff about Covid 19? Creepy. Facebook has a bunch of algorithms they report stuff for, I’ve seen women saying that the algorithms are going crazy now and reporting weird things that don’t seem to be anything that would get reported.

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  2. Right? WTH WordPress. Back in the day, WP was better than Blogger as far as censoring but who even knows now. Things are getting so much worse. WP censors gender crit ffs, and that’s about the most milquetoast subject matter imaginable. It’s frightening how much ground we have lost.

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  3. If there’s going to be any survival for females, it will require a form of mental telepathy, and the ability to move invisibly.

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  4. My mind keeps running no matter what I,m doing manually. I just don’t have space to record everything

    There’s an argument that the labour saving devices only upped the level of domesticity. The few American tribes,who kept males in check ( kinda ) managed to do it without electricity. They used violence as backup.

    Food – yes. & not working has allowed me to engage in enlightening myself.

    Honestly, simply by depriving baby boys of sustenance would eliminate any need for feminism. They’ll either die or grow small

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  5. Do you think this is the end Mary? I havent been thinking beyond possibly getting the monthly stipend they are talking about (or not) but for some reason, until CH said it, I hadnt considered that this could be the end. And I was THIS CLOSE to making it out of here without getting fucking pregnant. If it’s just going to be raping and pillaging from now on, I guess I’ll get to be a Mommy afterall. Good job natalists, you won! The uppity childless bitch is going to get what she deserves, right? Bitches.


  6. I thought it was funny (well, disturbing) that CH assumes we havent been in a “male ethos” this entire time. What is he even talking about? Because liberal feminists have been allowed a seat at the table, this is a female ethos? Okay. So now what’s going to happen? How far will the pendulum swing now? We aren’t as far to the female/feminist side as most people think. Does that mean something? IDK.

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  7. I am amazed men are behaving as well as they are. So much for the “government can’t tell me what to do” mantra men have been blabbing on about forever. Looks to me like they have bent over for the Man—so far…….. The big guys in charge need to keep Pornhub and Grubhub going or else there might be some serious shootin. We are only a week into this isolation thing and the longer it goes on, I can see most dudes completely losing their shit. Men need attention focused on them all the time and when they are holed up at home, they aren’t getting that validation. They enjoy humiliating women. Young or old, black or white, none of us is immune. It is what makes them feel alive and gives them something to do, and they will get bored with their partners and kids and want to start branching out again.

    I don’t think it will be any worse, just more of the same old abuse. Women just won’t make ourselves and other women a priority. And who can blame us really. Women are extremely skilled in the art of survival. We know that aligning ourselves with men get us the basic necessities in life. Men own and control everything.

    But court systems breaking down doesn’t mean much. Women have been oppressed because of laws not necessarily the absence of laws. Like Mary said up post, unless we suddenly figure out how to become invisible, we will continue to be humiliated and abused.

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  8. Do I think it’s the end? I think it’s the end of any predictable social construct. The end of lots of other things was already well underway, most notably the biosphere.


  9. Porn and Grub, yeah that sounds about right. 😦 My mom once told me that if you need any kind of medical procedure, don’t have it done on a Monday. On Mondays, all the docs are still reeling from having to spend the weekend being emasculated by their wives and kids and so have something to prove. Once they’ve been marinating in the God-treatment by staff and other patients for a couple of days they feel better, which apparently translates into higher quality work. Isn’t that terrifying?

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  10. Thinking about “the end of any predictable social construct.” Thanks Mary.

    I go back and forth from thinking things will be basically the same (same old abuse) to thinking maybe things will be OK or even a little better in some ways as long as they keep sending people money, to thinking that things will be so much worse. I don’t really have much to add, just looking for evidence and perspectives atm. Please feel free to add your own.

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  11. Watching this rn. Dana Durnford has been talking about needing to cancel the Tokyo Olympics for a long time due to Fukushima radiation. No one else was talking about it openly but there were clues, like Korea was going to bring their own food for the athletes so they wouldn’t have to eat the irradiated food from Japan. Now they are talking about canceling it for Coronavirus.

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  12. I think they’re giving people money in the attempt to keep the $$$ system and a few other systems alive.

    But it won’t. There are too many other destabilizing factors. Supply systems. Food prices. Physical infrastructure maintenance. These are way outside any changes in policy. They are simply inevitable facts.

    You could probably add your own from your own imagination.

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  13. I imagine the next step after giving people money will have to be to just stop doing evictions and shut offs, and start giving us food. All that “money” isnt bailing us out, its bailing out big corporations and landlords. We need food and shelter, not money. Sometimes I think, well, they can’t evict us all. Then I think, they can do pretty much whatever the fuck they want to do. Or they can until things completely fall apart and natural law takes over. I guess for now, it really just depends on what they want, and what they are trying to achieve.

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  14. Quoth CRE: “natural law takes over” . Exactly. . . . Why we need to be invisible and telepathic. Closed-circuit mental telepathy.

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  15. We have only been centering and advantaging women.

    When women were allowed the right to vote, when the first woman voted, then the political system became “feminized” across the board. The entire government, from that point forward, became female centered.

    When males allowed women to get an education, from the moment that the first woman walked into a classroom, holding a book, the entire education system became centered completely on women.

    Picture if you are sitting down to dinner, and a cockroach appears, and walks up to your plate. You might be disgusted, you might lose your appetite, because the cockroach has ruined your entire meal, by appearing and taking up a single inch of space. I mean, it’s not human, it’s intruding, it has contaminated your entire table just by its presence.

    That’s how males view us. They own the world, and we are just intruding, invading, ruining manworld with our nasty presence. Males have generously given us the natural role of servitude to them, and we thank them by sullying their space, by refusing to exist in the way that they allow.

    We have never had any kind of power. Expecting that males will ever treat us any differently is like expecting a snake to drive a car. Just like the snake doesn’t have the basic requirements for driving, males lack the basic requirements to understand that things exist outside of them, with entire lives that have nothing to do with them.

    Males view everything as only in relation to them, women, girls, animals, the planet, everything. They look at everything and wonder can they buy it? Sell it? Eat it? Fuck it? Can he keep other males from having it? How can he use it? How can it serve him?

    Everything is a potentially usable object to a male. They are incapable of empathy or kindness because they see us as stuff for male use. Would you be concerned with the feelings of your toaster? That’s silly, the toaster is just an object that exists to toast your bread. How we view a toaster is just one example of how males view everything and everyone else. Just a thing to use.

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  16. Hi radfemspiraling. This is going to be a disaster for women being cooped up with men, yes. I hope the electricity never goes out bc then the only “entertainment centers” available will be women’s bodies and there will be no distractions then. It will be bad enough as it is, with everyone Netflix and chill. Males going to work every day, and not subjecting their wives and children to their foul presence, is part of the deal that everyone accepts and is largely what makes this arrangement even remotely tolerable for women. When I read that the virus kills more men than women, meaning, more women recover and more men die, it tends to put the extreme global response in perspective. The higher male kill rate was described today as “disturbing” and “concerning.” lol. Are we in lockdown bc this is a global man-killer?

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  17. The tards are revisiting Germ Theory lol. I’ve heard this before but I never spent any time on it bc it seemed so ridiculous. They haven’t explained the decrease in maternal mortality when doctors started washing their hands in between messing with infected men and cadavers, and putting their hands inside laboring women, but from what they are saying, bacteria and viruses are produced by the body to flush out toxins, basically. I guess the idea across the board would be that bodies produce and harbor bacteria and viruses that are activated when we are poisoned from the environment. It’s not a matter of people spreading germs in groups, but people all being poisoned at the same time and reacting. This would support the view that COVID19 is really an outbreak of 5G sickness for example. I guess they would say that what’s passed from doctors’ dirty hands to laboring women was a toxin rather than a pathogen. This is the kind of thing people have time to look into rn. Here is the guy they are looking to:


  18. The cockroach analogy is apt. If there was a roach on your table, you sure as hell wouldn’t be calling attention to the 99.99% of the table that was cockroach-free. Very true, thank you for the reminder. They really don’t see us as human beings, but vermin. They sully themselves to even molest us (we know that’s how they see it by the language they use, “dirty” etc) but for some reason they won’t stop doing it. They obviously enjoy filth, and women are filth to them so its consistent. Women themselves have trouble grasping the depth and breadth of men’s hatred and disgust for us, because women simply do not think that way. We have no idea what men think about us. We need to be reminded. So, thanks.

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  19. Males are just weaker. They may be bigger, their muscles may be bigger, they may have practiced violence and bullying into a finely honed skill, but they are much weaker.

    When China first released it numbers, it showed that males had a higher fatality rate from covid, and pundits were trying to figure it out. Was it that more males smoked? Was it that males have all of that stress from providing for lazy women? Was it that males went out to work, coming into contact with the infected more often than women that stayed safely at home? Every scenario subtly blamed women, lol.

    I have a husband I like, and a big part of that is that he leaves my house for a minimum of forty hours per week. I can be at home and be fine. A male cannot sit in a house with no purpose. I have a billion things to do, some are domestic, some are creative, most of it is enjoyable to me, I like how I spend my time. Males aren’t capable of entertaining themselves or being a positive force to the outside. Even the decent ones.

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  20. Yes I am lol. All kinds of shit happens behind the scenes on these projects that no one knows about. That’s one of them. I’ve actually had people argue with me about whether I mod bc they can’t imagine that I can keep my eye on everything the way I do.

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  21. The tards consider cholesterol the same way they view germ theory. I think the alternative cholesterol theory is compelling. They say cholesterol doesnt cause heart disease, but is a substance created by the body to fight inflammation. So the statins people are taking to “decrease cholesterol” are removing the only thing IN LIFE that can decrease inflammation without side effects. Big Pharma sure as hell can’t do that. Unfortunately, if there is too much cholesterol, bc there is too much inflammation, it does form blockages/clots. So its present in people who have heart disease/inflammed heart, but it doesnt cause it. I think its beyond time to revisit causation v correlation in a lot of men’s theories. Another area would be that obesity causes disease, when many, many women are more than aware that being sick can make you fat.

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  22. I read somewhere someone saying how the reason men love waste so much- they love living in garbage and lots of them will eat shit and drink pee plus they like to fuck corpses, the bodily waste without a soul- is because they are genetic waste themselves. They are cobbled together with all these weird parts from what they take from us and their pathetic little Y.

    I struggle to wrap my head around how much men love disgusting things. How could anyone bring themselves to purposely eat shit? But this is a male fetish that lots of them are happy and excited about.

    Yet we are the ones they say are disgusting? Right..

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  23. They are genetic waste, yes. A genetic dead-end. Out here in the West there are all these completely ramshackle ancient falling down structures in the middle of fields, they are old homestead properties that have been abandoned. I can only assume that the ones that are abandoned and falling apart belonged to male homesteaders who didnt have a woman with them, or she left or died in childbirth or whatever so he had no genetic legacy to assume the property as an inheritance, and no one to make and keep it nice either. The parcels that are beautiful, profitable and still in existence mustve had a woman there to make and keep it nice, and to give the man heirs. Then they married off their daughters to the neighbors and joined the parcels together and did that many times, so that some of these properties are now thousands of acres and worth millions. All because of women. It’s striking. I will try to find a pic, I’m sure most people here know what I’m talking about.

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  24. Yeah but we’re the ones who are burdens. 🙄

    Everything Valerie Solanas said was so accurate, they made everyone believe that all the female qualities are really male qualities and vice versa.

    I wonder if there are any cases where men are able to live apart from women without either leading to a slow sad decline or depraved chaos.

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  25. I should clarify that its all bc of womens slavery and servitude to men and the system of heirs and inheritance they have created off women’s backs and labor. It’s women’s magic, care and concern too, but it’s also women’s slavery that creates beauty, legacy and profit for men. I’m sure everyone here already knows that.

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  26. With my own dad, my parents broke up when I was very young but my mom still handled many things for him and let him live with us. When she told him to move out and he got his own apartment he went downhill in a few years. He was unable to really take care of himself and didn’t have the motivation without a woman telling him to do things.

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  27. My dad can’t seem to survive without being married to a nurse lol. At least, he’s never tested the theory. He dated every nurse in the hospital after my mom left and ended up marrying the head nurse of the ER where he worked. My mom’s new husband likes to take her “camping” in Florida where there are tons of poisonous critters everywhere. My mom was like “WTF this is dangerous, I dont want to be out here in this shit!” but I told her, well he is going “out there” with a trained medical professional, what’s he have to worry about? You’re the dumbass going out there with a disbarred attorney and his teenaged kids. lol. She immediately saw my point, but couldn’t come up with it on her own.

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  28. Lol right they can be “jackasses” because there’s always a woman there to take care of them if they get hurt. If we get hurt no one’s going to care.

    Florida doesn’t have that many dangerous animals here though.. it’s not like it’s Australia lol. They are mostly scared of people and will run away.

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  29. Fire ants and poisonous snakes are enough for her I think lol. But yes I couldn’t live in AUS. Or at least, it would take some getting used to. I imagine going to sit down on the toilet in the middle of the night and theres a huge spider the size of a dinner plate already sitting there. Sheesh. And fire ants, ugh. I worry about my cats getting into a nest in my yard. There arent any afaik but I always go out there with them and look around before I leave them out there.

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  30. I keep going back and forth with my thinking too about wondering what all this virus stuff is really about that they made people this afraid. Are they actually going to make things better for us to help us out with some stipends and a bit of leeway in paying stuff, or is it just going to get way worse? Or will this all be over in like a week and everyone will forget all about it? It’s kind of nice getting to go outside without tons of people though. And everyone stays the hell away from you lol.

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  31. Exactly right about “jackasses” the fact that some women are nurses is beside the point. Men always have empathetic, caring helpmeets to bail them out of trouble and fix their booboos and take up the slack. Women never have any of that. I try not to think about what would’ve happened if my ex had been the one to get sick instead of me. When it was becoming obvious that he was going to let me drown I told him I regretted ever getting with him then, if I was going to end up homeless and he wasn’t. Bc that meant he abandoned me when I needed him the most. He was hurt and appalled that I would say such an awful, untrue and bizarre thing. To this day, he still lives with his mother afaik. We moved in there together “temporarily” after the hurricane and he never left. I know thats the outcome he always really wanted anyway, to be there alone with his mom. Meeting me in law school was unexpected, and put a wrench in his plan to crawl back inside his mother and live there until one of them died. Me taking care of him for 10 years meant nothing bc he could’ve and would’ve just gotten it from somewhere else, so who cares?

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  32. Did you know about how male whales will die without their mother? Even if they are full grown adults and have no reason to need to depend on her.

    I told that to my ex when I learned that and he said that when his grandma died his uncle flipped out about it and was going crazy and punching the ground and stuff, she was a very old lady and he was an older grown man- nothing unexpected or exceptionally tragic- but then he couldn’t handle it and he died right after. I think it was something like he was being reckless and got in a motorcycle accident.

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  33. The stimulus vote has been pushed back again, until tomorrow.

    Money to individuals is slowly shrinking.

    It seems like they are pushing to see how little they can do before poverty males storm their castles. I am still holding out hope that males just start killing each other.

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  34. I watched a doc on tubi about these males that come back from war, sometimes just a piece of them, and their mothers and/or wives have to take care of them like babies for free.

    There was one woman, she had just had a baby, and her husband came back as one arm, a torso, and his head. Her life was hell.


  35. War is just another reason for women to have to take care of big babies. They act like they are heros for going out and killing each other and they supposedly “protect women” but they really just rape and terrorize any women who get in the way and then the women at home have to take care of them after they hurt themselves.

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  36. Thanks for the update on the stimulus. I’m not concerned about getting money as much as getting rent and utilities forgiven since I would just give them all my money anyway. But if they don’t do something, I really dont know what to think. Even if the sheriffs refuse to evict, the landlords could still be horrible like demanding to “show” the apartment to prospective renters while the current tenants are still in there with nowhere to go. This could turn ugly and might create a female suicide epidemic before males actually get up the balls to do anything about it.


  37. I always, always think of the women when I see “wounded warriors” in the media. What a fucking nightmare for the wives and mothers. I once had to perform a guardianship review for some 20-something braindead gangbanger in NYC who got himself shot in the head, and then his elderly mother became his guardian and did all his care. Yep its pretty badass to get yourself shot in the head so your mom has to change your diapers for the rest of your life and wipe the dribble strings from your chin. Real macho.

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  38. Males force birthing because it creates a surplus of people.

    If all but a few women commit suicide or die, as long as males have a few women, they would force the remaining women to have babies.

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  39. Honestly I dont see very many people and I havent heard the “stay safe” mantra. But if they are repeating it over and over, I’m sure it has some kind of effect. I wonder where that started.


  40. The truth is that sometimes, dead is better. It’s fucking unnatural to take a male that has had 3 limbs blown off and put him onto any fucking woman. I swear, male medicine is just enjoying his suffering and the suffering that he is putting onto women.

    And female soldiers don’t have husbands that take care of them, they end up with female family members, too, usually their mother. Because, once again, males are just vastly inept.

    Which I can’t understand why any woman thinks that joining up in any male system is some kind of a feminist win. Especially when the males just denigrate and abuse them for trying.

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  41. Dead is often better, yes. Do most people disagree or is that just something most people would never say out loud? Or do most people just never think about it bc they never have to? I wonder how many wives and mothers of these men end up putting them out of their misery and making it look natural, or if thats even possible. Imagine if they got caught and prosecuted on top of it, ugh. What a nightmare. Good point about female soldiers too. Women should never, ever assume that their risks are equal to a man’s. Never ever. Bc its never true and women’s risk is always, always both more and worse.

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  42. Speaking of “dead is better” I’ve been trying to decide if I want to watch the new Pet Sematary movie on Hulu. I watched the first one and the making of the first one awhile ago. What I remember about the making of Pet Sematary 1 was that the big road with the trucks that sped by the house were based on Steven King’s real house and the real road that ran beside it. They were afraid one of their kids would get killed. So dumbass writes a fucking book about it instead of building a fence, or moving. If I was Steven King’s wife I would’ve killed him in his sleep.

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  43. Ok I’m watching it now. A woman never would have written this book. The first truck scares the shit out of all of them 2 seconds after they first arrive and the mom is just like, whoa trippy dude. No talk of putting up a fence IMMEDIATELY or asking WHAT THE FUCK were you thinking buying a house this close to the fucking road? Then they leave the cat in the car and the wife is like “wait the cat’s in the car” while he picks her up and carries her over the threshhold of the new house and closes the door. Not on my watch bro.

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  44. I bet there was government stuff saying “stay safe” first. it’s very creepy how quickly it’s become like an official greeting. It’s like when you go shopping at Christmas/other holiday times and the official greeting is happy holidays. Apparently the official plague greeting is stay safe.


  45. It’s truly amazing how much beauty women have been able to create out of immense suffering and even turned the source of their suffering into works of art. The little Chinese shoes of the footbound women were so intricately decorated with gorgeous details for these things to put on their grotesque little feet that men made them mutilate to survive. The freakishly long nails that women have now to handicap them, some of them are so stunning to look at. Whatever form women are permitted to express themselves in their slavery, they will create wonders. So much creativity needing to be expressed in any outlet it can be. Imagine if all that combined mental power could really be unleashed, all the inventions and creations that would come pouring out.

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  46. Thats really true anotherwoman. I sometimes watch makeup and nail tutorials on YT bc they are so creative and skilled at what they are doing. I cant take much tho lol I really like watching women make homemade soap for some reason. I follow Royalty Soaps on YT. Here is her latest, I havent watched this one yet:

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  47. Greta Thunberg says its “extremely likely” that her and her dad had COVID19. She says this without having been tested and without needing medical care. This falls under the category of propaganda you guys. We are falling farther and farther down the rabbit hole with both COVID19 and with Greta. I already think she is a (perhaps unwitting) shill for the nuke industry. I’m probably unreasonably disgusted that she made this statement without knowing for sure. But its just more toe the maintream line from Greta and I dont trust her and her handlers. At all.


  48. Haha I am learning how to make soap. I’m doing some gift basket stuff as part of my business ventures and thought that would be a good thing to throw in the mix. It is so enjoyable to watch women make things especially with how good people have gotten with making YouTube videos now.

    I actually really love make up and nail polish as an art form. I’ve always been into costumes and fantasy and the ability to look different ways. It’s the way that all those things are weaponized against us that are harmful. It’s fun to wear bright pretty makeup sometimes to dress up and paint your normal length functional nails with colors and designs. But it’s not fun being told you have to do this stuff constantly to fit in and you can’t even do it in a fun creative way, you need to do it in very specific ways so you are a proper sex doll for men to look at. No fun rainbow eyeshadow or such things like that, you should do it in a way that men find sexual. I think it might have been you that pointed out that the popular makeup looks also look like bruising- like smoky eyes look like a black eye. With the nails you should do it in a ridiculous way that inhibits the use of your hands, not just put color on regular nails to make it look nice. It makes it all the more painful because they turn harmless creative expression into something evil by how they make us do it the way they say to.

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  49. I don’t think Greta is doing anything bad intentionally. She really believes everything she is saying. She’s a kid seeing the destruction of the planet she has to live on and is genuinely upset about it like any rational prison should be really. But that certainly is likely she’s being used and told certain things are the answer. Hell maybe she’s even actually being brainwashed to act a certain way, like another use for the sex doll mind control, who knows?


  50. Yes if it was just a girl Tweeting or whatever I wouldn’t have anything to say about it. It’s the fact that she has handlers and that they put her every word on the front page of the NYT that makes it obvious that she is being used. I used to fly somewhat regularly, once or twice a year maybe, and every single time I would end up with a cold. I assume its bc my immune system is fucked up and I was breathing all that recirculated, pressurized air. Honestly how in the world would she assume they had fucking novel Coronavirus rather than any of the many other strains of cold/flu including other known strains of Coronavirus? It’s the NOVEL Coronavirus we are all worried about rn but there are many other strains, like SARS that have been around for a long time and never provoked this level of response. How dare they print such tripe honestly.


  51. Its 2019 if you filed them already, or 2018 if you didnt. I hope everyone gets their money and that its enough. This is so crazy. I notice that the air feels so fresh though, like at the end of The Day After Tomorrow lol. I’m just waiting for the increased global warming McP talks about (aka. “the other shoe” dropping).

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  52. Lol I forgot about that movie. I just looked it up. I think I saw that in the theatre when it came out. It’s funny I saw the woman from Shameless was in it, Emmy Rossum, she’s apparently been in a bunch of things I didn’t recognize her yet. She was even Christine in The Phantom of the Opera.

    The air does feel better. I hate how crowded it is here and when we’ve been out lately, after the initial panic, it’s much nicer because everyone is staying in. It’s so much more pleasant.

    The money is definitely not enough, cheap assholes, they could have took the opportunity to help people a bit who they’ve already left drowning in debt from their crappy systems. So many people have even been totally out of work. But at least they are giving us something. I didn’t do any taxes yet so I don’t know which year would be better and I still don’t know how to file as self employed. So feeling pretty confused with what to do. I think I saw they are going to do it within three weeks so I want to get it in quickly.


  53. The IRS website has free efiling tools. I chose H&R Block and efiled as self employed. The tool does all the work for you so there is nothing for you to “decide” or figure out, just follow the instructions and enter the data. It took about an hour. I have no idea what self employed people are going to get, or what its based on for us. Watch us get nothing lol.

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  54. We are supposed to be getting the $1200 the same too. Which is really a pathetic amount for how much they’ve disrupted people’s lives with all this. That doesn’t even pay a months rent in a lot of places. These assholes with all the money in the world debate how many pennies they should throw at us so people don’t just riot.

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  55. I’m watching a Swedish movie called Aniara where they are on a ship that’s supposed to take them to Mars after Earth is destroyed and a bunch of the people have horrible burns on their skin from the destruction of Earth. The ship is like a giant luxury hotel and mall, like being in Vegas. But then the ship gets broken and they are stuck floating hopelessly. So lots of people kill themselves and the rest put everyone to work trying to figure out how to live there indefinitely and maybe get things working again. These two women become a couple and they are dealing with it and having some fun together. Then they get invited to a religious ceremony because people have formed cults after being there for years. So it turns into an orgy with the people trying to make babies to bring into this hopeless nightmare drifting through space, and the one woman is clearly not into men at all or down with what is happening and she’s looking at her partner like uhh.. but she goes along with it anyway and lets the dude fuck her and gets pregnant. Then of course is miserable and afraid of bringing a child into this endless night, trapped in the ship with nothing natural just looking out on endless darkness. She feels all the weight of what is happening but the other people are still happy for a baby.

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  56. one of the latest makeup trends for young women is called the “e- girl” look, which uses a lot of blush to cover the cheek bone and end of the nose. They describe it as “looking sick, but like cute sick” aka looking like you have a cold or flu and are therefore weak and vulnerable (easier to rape/fuck).

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  57. lol, yea technically the 6-foot rule should be forcing abstinence on everyone right about now… But men WILL still fuck “their” women, illness and death be damned.

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  58. “I read that the virus kills more men than women, meaning, more women recover and more men die”
    I have spent considerable amounts of my time in the past 2 years praying/hoping/chanting/casting for such a thing to happen. huh. If only.


  59. That was a good movie. Very bleak. I think I’m more fascinated now than anything thinking this may be the end of our species. Like I get to see the ending of this epic movie and have all this technology and knowledge available so I can look back through all this history of how we’ve gotten to here.

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  60. similar for me. Mine stays out of my hair even when he’s home. He just doesn’t bother me much, he stays out of my way, and doesn’t try to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do, should or shouldn’t think. He is mosty benign. Still a dude….and he does occasionally do annoying dude things, which I tend to respond to by just disengaging him and returning to my own thing. We sleep in separate bedrooms too. It’s great. My biggest problem with him is that he blasts the TV and all the stupid horse shit on it almost constantly when he is home. I really can’t stand constant noise/talking in my house let a lone when it is patriarchal brain-washing propaganda. But we found a solution. He wears headphones now to watch tv. and i get my space and sanity back.

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  61. “Dead is often better, yes. Do most people disagree or is that just something most people would never say out loud? Or do most people just never think about it bc they never have to?”

    I think that denial and naivety both play a part in most people thinking that death is the worst. Like, they just don’t realize how hellish it can really be. For women in particular, it requires massive brain/body separation (exactly what trauma does) for us to think that death is the worst. That’s all I can figure. I’ve never been in that boat. I became suicidal as a child….and it’s weird that I almost feel a bit of pride in it. Like, even as a child I KNEW that this world was unacceptable to me, even if I couldn’t put it into words. I always pined deeply for things that had been stolen from me (us) that I didn’t even have words for. And the humiliations and abuses I suffered, I knew on some level that this was not the way the world is suppose to be, even though I’d never experienced any other way.

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  62. “Dead is often better, yes. Do most people disagree or is that just something most people would never say out loud? Or do most people just never think about it bc they never have to?”

    lol male solutions.

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  63. All the popular fashion is all built around making women weakened or look weakened in some way. It’s hard to see it when you don’t understand the sadism because all this stuff is just normal having grown up around it but when you see it suddenly you see everything. After I read Beauty and Misogyny, plus Woman Hating right after because I found it from how much Sheila Jeffreys quotes her, my whole perception immediately changed. I was looking around at the same world but it was like I found some of those glasses from They Live and I could see everything how it really is.

    I saw a cover of a magazine with Anna Faris and another woman, they were teetering on these ridiculously high heels, they were extremely skinny and probably Photoshopped even more, and they were confined in these tight uncomfortable looking dresses that also showed all of their legs and arms. So before I would have seen the outfits as impractical and uncomfortable looking, but when I saw it then all of a sudden I saw the history of thousands of years of women being tortured and maimed as the history of those outfit choices. We’re made to see everything as separate, so we can still be taught that women were “oppressed” in the past and can be “oppressed” (only a little bit!) now. But that doesn’t have anything to do with all of women’s “choices” that they are free to make.

    But every detail of the things done to their bodies is designed to weaken them, through a carefully crafted process thousands of years in the making. The shoes are the most severe form that are dangerous and disabling and can actually deform the feet with long term wear. They effectively prevent the woman from being able to get away so men can do whatever they want to her. The tight dress prevents her movement too, long nails create another handicap, being too skinny makes her weak and gives her less weight to use to not be carried off or to fight back. The popular makeup is designed to imitate bruises and sickness to top off the helpless and frail look.

    When I first heard the whole “men are parasites” thing it was hard to really wrap my head around it. But the mutilations say they are parasites. All male groups come up with their own ways to mutilate women starting from when they are young girls in order to make us vulnerable to them. They’ve gotten sophisticated enough now with their domination over us they don’t need to go slicing off women’s clits or fingers or whatever in civilized places because they manage to have the same effects through clothing and we’ve already been beaten down through so many generations and carry the genetic memory of all that torture. We’re like elephants being held down by a little rope after we were held down by heavy chains when we were little.

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  64. Yes I feel that longing too for what’s been stolen from us that I never even knew. But I still always felt it was missing and it hurts so much. It left me on the verge of being suicidal from a young age and the thought of death has always been comforting to me to think that regardless of what may happen it will always eventually end. Someone I love dying is horrible and terrifying, but thinking about myself dying I don’t feel the same way. I hope I get to live a long life and of course I’m scared of the thought of dying, but I also view it as the ultimate mystery. I’ll get to see the final puzzle piece to this life. What if something amazing happens? We are all made up of energy, the energy that inhabits this flesh will go somewhere. The stories these dudes have come up with about what happens are mostly ridiculous and are about everything being the same but in a spiritual realm. I think there is some truth to everything though.

    In the ancient Egyptian beliefs when you die, your heart is first weighed against a feather by a deity, I think Anubis, to see if it is heavy with any bad deeds. If it is you can’t continue to the land of the dead and live in their “heaven,” I think you get eaten instead. I see this as what really happens is that you are your own judge when you “weigh” your heart not a deity as we all are the “deity” as a part of the interconnected whole, we are all “God.” If your heart feels “heavy” as it literally does feel when you feel bad, you go back to Earth until you’re ready to free yourself of the heaviness. The confession and absolution of the Christians I think is “true” in a sense because all that matters when you die is that you forgive yourself, there’s no separate God to forgive you and while it matters deeply here what you do and who you hurt, when you are only spirit this life is only lessons and if you forgive yourself as an imperfect and disfunctional being you carry the lessons with you onto the next journey, free of the pain and regret. The fires of “hell” are a cleansing of the impurities of the soul, not a punishment and must be passed through to move onto the next dimensional spirit realm.

    I believe dreams are our connection to the spirit realm where we are from and we have to go back there each night to recharge. That’s what sleep really is, our connection to the force of life recharging us.

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  65. I think the end, or more likely just extreme disruption, of the supply chain is likely to be the beginning of real feminism where we take back the land when we see how useless they are that anything can topple this system and we’re all left in chaos with nothing to fall back on. IF we’re not all too sick to do it with the poisoning getting worse. So many people are already desperate to leave this system and the younger people are getting angrier and more resentful at the shitty situation they’ve been born into. With people getting fed up with this at younger ages and more seeking out communal living situations, there’s a lot more personal cooperation going on now than there has been in quite a while as we’ve all become completely divided. This might shake up people’s complacency with everything to see how fragile it all really is.

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  66. That image of the Hanks’s…. It’s speaking to me, saying “Hey everyone look at these fine dignified people we all know, respect, and identify with. They have corona virus, and so will you. Mentally accept that it will just happen. and that it’s normal.”

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  67. I’m sort of enjoying this in a fucked up way, like you were saying everyone’s in the same boat now in panic and fear of sickness and inability to afford living instead of just individual people being left to drown while everyone else ignores them. I just saw something about someone talking about the loneliness and isolation of all of this and there was this comment: “Remember how you feel right now when you find out someone doesn’t come around anymore because of a chronic illness. This how many of us live usually because we aren’t able to interact with people like we used to. Some of us have been living this way for years.” Lots of people are noticing that the public is getting to experience a bit of this nightmare for themselves.

    I’ve basically become a shut in and have rarely gone out for a long time as it is because of constantly feeling like shit having endless painful things to deal with and always having to figure out some kind of work to do and having to work at home. So I’ve already been working by myself at home in isolation with feelings of fear and panic and now that is shared by everyone and it’s sort of nice to not be so alone.

    I looked up the “welcome to the party pal” gif because I didn’t know where it was from. It’s Die Hard lol I’ve never seen it. I think that was one of the movies my guy was always saying that I need to see. But I just read this: So Bruce Willis is trying to get the outside world to see what’s happening in the building and at that moment he throws a dead body out the window at a local cop who was oblivious to what was going on and finally the outside world knows. So that’s a very apt quote for what’s going on now.

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  68. The idea that maybe this might actually make people more aware of other people’s suffering is a little bit hopeful. So is the thought that they will realize this system is not so great and it’s actually very rickety and lots of people are falling through the cracks already. Maybe this will actually force our government to make some changes. Who knows? I think anything could happen for better or worse.

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  69. This guy it interesting to watch, but sometimes he doesn’t do the work f explaining his thoughts fully. He’ll say…”well, that tells you what’s really going on dont it…” or “you see what I’m talking about?” And I’m like, no, I don;t follow. please elaborate. Like, here he mentions that they are calling for a cease fire to all wars….. but I’m not following what he thinks that means.


  70. Dana has a whole culture over there just like I have a whole culture over here and across all my blogs. So once you’ve been watching him for awhile you will understand his references for the most part. I dont remember him saying that about the cease fires, but if he did, he was probably saying that CV19 is a bioweapon so there’s no need for guns and bullets anymore.


  71. Ikwym anotherwoman. I was just thinking today that I finally feel like I can relax a little now that the whole world is “acting like it’s on fire because it is” like Greta said, only in another context. Finally everyone else is sharing this burden and I can rest. It’s a weird position to be in.

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  72. Right, it’s sort of nice to have shared burdens instead of it falling only on individuals. Plus when I do go out grocery shopping or whatever I need to do it’s so much more pleasant. Lol my mom keeps talking too about how great it is driving now without all the people out everywhere and it will be disappointing when this quarantine stuff is over.

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  73. It’s so interesting how many cultures within cultures develop and they can be centered around anything whether it’s a shared geographical area, ethnic heritage, beliefs, or just a love of something like say Star Trek or whatever.

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  74. I thought I would mention that one of the anti nuke activists, Kevin Blanch, thinks this came from the ocean. He thinks the radiation from Fukushima created a mutant virus that infected a marine animal that ended up at the wet market in Wuhan. Seems plausible to me.

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  75. Godzilla is next!! Isn’t that how they made him? With nuclear waste? Lol I watched the start of an anime where the people had to leave Earth for thousands of years because of Godzilla and when they came back everything was evolved with all this robotic life because organic matter couldn’t survive well anymore. Now I’m thinking about it and want to watch the rest. Also it’s funny how we have to change the name of everything and couldn’t just call him Gojira.


  76. Do you think it matters if we file 2018 or 2019? 2019 is a lot more confusing for me with a bunch of little jobs from different things. There’s no minimum we had to earn right? I think that’s what they decided on to give it to everyone who files.


  77. What in the fucking hell did I just come across? I thought I knew all the disturbing stuff about the trans debacle but it can always get weirder apparently. I looked at the black pill feminism on Reddit with people talking about if feminism has failed and someone linked to a Reddit called ftmspunished where women who become trans have S&M fantasies of themselves being punished and feminized. So they go to drastic measures to escape the tortures done to women, then they fantasize about submitting to them.


  78. Haha oh I just went down a whole crazy rabbit hole on Reddit. People are weird.

    A while ago I saw a transwoman commenting on a feminist blog somewhere saying how he agreed with the stuff women were saying about trans but also didn’t want to be a man because he felt like testosterone is poison and wanted it out of him and couldn’t stand to be a man. There’s so many of them that want to castrate themselves because they can’t stand the testosterone and some do it and feel better. It is a poison.

    The same dude said something about how he thought that because the human mind has gotten so complex it’s like our brains can’t handle it anymore and that’s why all of the mass insanity is going on.

    Lol also I saw someone on the black pill Reddit linked one of sinbigger’s videos that’s on YouTube. It’s one with a quote from Femonade about how men allowed abortion rights as a trick.

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  79. That thread was like the same gross fetishes men have about wanting to be feminized and abused but it was women who believe they are men who want to be abused “like a woman.” Makes sense though I guess that women who want to be men would imitate their disgusting fetishes too.

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  80. Oh, cool I like that subreddit. Thanks for introducing it to me. I wonder if the creator has a blog. I think she would probably enjoy conversing with all of us out here, rather than having to deal with troll dudes on reddit.


  81. I don’t know if there’s a blog. CRE told me she found it so I went to check it out. That’s funny your video was on there. The blogs are definitely better to talk on though. Reddit is weird as hell. I’ve seen stuff on it before but I just started looking at it throughly.

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  82. Yea I’m glad some of my content is getting out there. Though that particular vid is very vague. I think I was too afraid to just out right say “men are parasites” lol. In more recent vids I clearly got over that. I gave up on reddit years ago after I spent a solid year stuck in the gendercritical bubble. I was ready to move on to other topics, and also realized that the reddit format makes it impossible for women to be able to freely discuss w/o men constantly derailing and trolling. It all just wastes women’s time with a bunch of male controlled reactionary bullshit. That being said, I may consider returning to reddit to occasionally pop by r/BlackpillFeminism

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  83. Lol yeah it’s a hard thing to come to terms with and to really be able to say, but their parasitic nature becomes clear when you look at all the mutilations. I’d like to know if there has ever been a culture where men didn’t mutilate little girls at some point. It’s not something talked about in the mainstream and you have to really dig to understand how common it is. My anthropology classes brought up FGM over and over in this way like, “look at all those crazy Muslims and African tribes over there.” They never mentioned any other mutilations or any other groups doing that. But Christian extremist men do the same shit here with removing girls clits and various mutilations are common and expected across culture the more you learn about how men function.

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  84. So, basically needing to cripple and mutilate the hosts to live = parasites and it’s honestly very straightforward when you see it. Whatever any of us feels about any individual man it all becomes so clear when you look at how they act as a group and the first thing they do is to cripple little girls so they can’t fight back their whole life and can be drained of everything for men’s benefit.

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  85. It does indeed become so clear once the understanding of men-as-parasite becomes full integrated with one’s broader understanding. It’s the ultimate shortcut. Once this is fully grasped, you can see that EVERYTHING that is fucked up about this world can be easily traced back to male parasitism.

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