Aesthetic Pandemic. On “The Selfish Ledger”

you aren’t even new money mkay.

For some reason, an old allegedly “leaked” allegedly “internal” video made by Google Corp has been making the rounds lately, and that video was/is called The Selfish Ledger. I will embed that video below the fold. Above the fold I offer a Pinterest commercial that is possibly the absolute perfect illustration of at least part of what The Selfish Ledger is about: steering people (aka “users”) through the maze of the internet, over time, via algorithm/AI generated links resulting in clicks. The Pinterest vid demonstrates what the “users” (us) get out of the experience, which is very obviously a psychotic consumerist identity or “aesthetic” if you will, in this case, a lifetime of clicks, and channeling of much time, attention, curiosity and creativity results in the aesthetic psychotic consumerist identity of “Old Money Baddie Goth Goblin Core Girly Girl” and a feeling of accomplishment and relief.

A literal entire lifetime of clicks has brought us (or someone) here, or somewhere similar, and also has us (or someone) emotionally circling around to the beginning, where we/they were always thus — an Old Money Baddie Goth Goblin Core Girly Girl — and just didn’t know it. This emotional/intellectual ride ends at the location called “satisfying” and is supposedly worth the cost of admission and maybe it is. Maybe it is worth a literal entire lifetime’s earning, and an entire lifetime’s clicking to be satisfied in the end, afterall, what’s the alternative? Of course, being stuck in a consumerist cycle, there is no real “end” but let’s not think or talk about that.

So that’s at least partly what we get out of it — out of engaging with the maze of algorithmically-created content which we respond-to with clicks (and spending). But what does Google and everyone else get out of this? I mean clearly, there has to be an other-side to this coin and we know that because we are adults who aren’t stupid. Here is the entire video of The Selfish Ledger which in my estimation is the companion video to the Pinterest video above and should be sold as a boxed set:

from the comments: “It’s all good.. just listen to the monotone narrator, the nice music and watch the cute animations… Getting sleepy now, time for 30min of cnn and off to bed… No worries man.” lol.

Apparently there are transcripts and even annotated transcripts of this video available somewhere but the one I really wanted, I couldn’t find — the transcript annotated by Dr. Robert Epstein, who has been researching Google and what has been called “the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME), speculating that its power derives from the high level of trust people have in algorithmically-generated content.” Epstein and his team have shown via experimentation that search engines, specifically Google, can drastically affect election (and other) outcomes with biased search results and increasingly, biased answer-bots which give misleading and even patently false single “answers” that you don’t even have to click on, such as the answers returned by “intelligent personal assistants” like Alexa and Siri. So much for accusations of election manipulation being conspiracy theory, this appears to be conspiracy fact.

I made my own annotations while watching The Selfish Ledger, would you like to see them? Here they are:

Actions decisions preferences movements relationships = codification of who we are = Lemarkian epigenome

goal oriented ledger (global good problematic, substitute with google’s values as an organization (male supremacy, protect amassed wealth against natural law)) provides suitable targets for users ledger, modification of behavior to move closer to ledger’s target

make this palatable (!!) until ledger itself can make suggestions to user to plug gaps in ledgers knowledge via “devices” (products that collect data) to get to an understanding/model of “human” behavior (what if there is no device that would provide this info, bespoke solutions that are also devices)

new users = emergent ledger in preformed ecosystem, can “benefit” from prior users/ledgers, increases ease of predicting future behavior/decisions

ability to interpret data + growth of smart devices = species level understanding of complex issues (“such as” depression/health/poverty) = who we are as people

behavioral sequencing via user data

reject Lamarckian epigenetics (generational trauma)

benefit of behaver vs benefit of the gene (transient carrier/survival machine (life support system) for gene where “gene” is now the ledger)

kids = emergent ledger

adults = massive historical user data

patterns and predictions (no wildness/spontanaiety)

targetting/modify behavioral sequences to get desired result (like gene editing) …chaneling creativity into consumerism

If you watch and really listen to the video — and ignore 90% of it which is meant to make this all sound very positive — you might see what I mean. Surely you will have your own notes as well. My first impressions of all of this is that, whether it’s intended or not, and it likely is very intentional indeed, what Google is proposing here is the annihilation of the female perspective in anything, which in practice is the same thing as the full scale annihilation of radical feminist thought. This is what Google means by “species-wide” literally anything, where under patriarchy, male is the default human and species-wide means male.

For those who haven’t yet or don’t care to watch the vid, Google intends to extract data that will give a “species-level understanding of complex issues” like depression and poverty. lol. Obviously, if Google actually wanted the truth, they would have to eventually integrate the knowledge that human males are largely the cause of women’s depression and poverty (as well as the cause of men’s own depression and poverty, among other things) but Google is being very clear that they do not want the truth. Indeed, they very boldly and very obviously state that their intent is not to figure out and manipulate toward a “global good” because that would be problematic to their internal woke corporate culture of cultural relativism.*

Because cultural relativism, you see, any notion of manipulating users for the global good was replaced early-on with the completely unproblematic goal of advancing Google’s own interests and values “as an organization” which, whatever else Google or anyone imagines that entails, also by definition must entail advancing male supremacy and thwarting natural law to protect hoarded/amassed male wealth. I mean really. Obviously, female perspective and radical feminist thought would be the first to go if that’s the goal, and it is.

I have more to say on this topic, specifically how all of this led us fairly directly into a global pandemic and a global uptake of patriarchal and Big Pharma propaganda (and wares) but I think the annihilation of the female perspective — and radical feminist thought — as an implied goal of Google manipulation tactics is probably worth thinking about on its own, and worthy of its own post. There may or may not be a part 2 so stay tuned (or don’t) for that.

*One can imagine how the doodbro/whiteish male Google leadership came to that understanding — that the idea of a “global good” was bad. I imagine some angry digital correspondence and possibly a staged walk-out the first time they got that wrong, and that there was a certain aesthetic to it. And by aesthetic, I obviously mean and will henceforth always mean a psychotic consumerist identity.

Comments open.

7 thoughts on “Aesthetic Pandemic. On “The Selfish Ledger”

  1. ” . . . advancing male supremacy and thwarting natural law to protect hoarded/amassed male wealth. I mean really. Obviously, female perspective and radical feminist thought would be the first to go if that’s the goal, and it is.”

    This is why I continue to love you and your writing / thinking forever.

    I wonder: how much longer will ‘the internet’ continue to be of any use or benefit to The Female (if it ever has been . . . ), or will it just be just a continuing ghastly spectacle?

    Please carry on. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  2. ‘Psychotic consumerist identity’ is the perfect flipside description of ‘aesthetic.’ Also your apt summary of the lifetime of clicks creating a consumerist cycle, and the hellish solipsism of that.

    I would seriously bet that at least one very important person at Google (or a freelance advisor!) is trained in mind control. Creating a controlloble identity/identities is per se mind control.

    To what you write about algorithmic eradication of female thought, the Pinterest video is giving me a strong ‘vibe’ which I’m sure was meant to stay subliminal; hatred of women. The essential base-line aesthetic upon which all the available choices are built, all the way up to the goblin baddy…etc.

    The Netflix co-founder/former CEO, Marc Randolph, is the nephew of both Sigmund Freud (psychoanalysis) and Edward Bernays (propaganda and PR). Freud requires no elaboration here, but check out the opening paragraph of Bernays’ wiki entry.

    As you wrote about male attempts to protect their wealth from natural law, so it is that mass media empires are apparently born of an ongoing project to control and destroy women, who are naturally more in tune with natural law – I think that is what people are trying to say when they talk about how women in general are more harmonious and get along and work for group goals. Of course that perspective, possibly informing the discarded goal of ‘global good’ has to go.

    As the male Y is deteriorating, it is possible that the end goal of this for males is their immortality in the form of male files/data running through robust female physicality. The female being would need to be out of the way (mind control/identities) for that program to run smoothly, without interruptions. Men already select women to confine and bear children, and biological habits die very hard; all of their technological efforts seem to mirror their biological (necrophilic) imperatives.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Yes the Sarah Westall interview of Dr. Robt Epstein was called “Mind Control: Google’s Stated Mission:“Recreating Society Based on Our Values” w/ Dr. Epstein”. It doesn’t seem to be hyperbole. I looked up Dr. Epstein’s social media and apparently he was known as a “Google whistleblower” at the time his wife was killed in a terrible car accident last fall. He has repeatedly tweeted that he is not suicidal, obviously he (and others) are suspicious of the circumstances surrounding his wife’s death and he is concerned that he will be assassinated. According to Westall’s writeup, he and his team are the only ones who have studied the effects of Google and they had to do so with independent funding bc all the academics who have studied or attempted to study the same thing have been fired from their universities for coming up with data and conclusions that Google didn’t like. This subject matter is extremely dark. The flip side, as you say, of the Pinterest Aesthetic cute/fun stuff really is the flip side, its like the Upside Down in Stranger Things. Westall has a new docuseries she just launched, here is the writeup and trailer. It’s called “Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare.”

    I personally don’t find Sarah Westall to be particularly bright but she seems to put in the work and knows who to ask. It seems like Epstein is a knowledgeable/credible guest. I linked to his Google study in the post. Thanks for reading.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. My apologies for needless speculation where you had already provided a link to that info! I had seen that article and the mind control part must have dropped straight through to my subconscious, funnily enough. It definitely isn’t hyperbole.

    That is quite unsettling that his wife died in a car accident in 2019. I am aware of other investigators who died in suspicious circumstances in 2019, Tracy Twyman was one of them. And Kary Mullis, as you wrote about. It could be a total coincidence, and it could have been a genuine accident in his wife’s case, but humans can’t help but find patterns.

    Thank goodness that some people continue to investigate these areas, despite literally fearing for their lives.

    There are some small-fry researchers into Google etc who fly under the radar, obviously Epstein is high profile and has the resources to do formal studies, even though it brings him immediately to goggle’s attention.


  5. The Sarah Westall episodes look interesting, although it seems very geared towards profit ultimately – my alarm bells go off when I see physical items for sale in relation to what is presented as investigative content. I don’t see how she couldn’t be invested in certain answers and angles.


  6. Yes you’re correct, it was 2019, not last fall. Right before COVID, and just a couple of months after Mullis IIRC. Sarah Westall is very nice if that means anything lol she gave me a free subscription when I asked. She seems to thoroughly vet the products she endorses and calls out scams, but it is unsavory and irritating at best to be constantly advertised-to. She has some personal history with Google/MSM censorship as well, altho IDK the details.

    BTW I would really like to see Epstein’s annotated transcript of The Selfish Ledger if anyone can find it! I looked for it for a couple of minutes and couldn’t find it, even tho he said on the interview that it comes up immediately on a Google search using his name. I have no idea why he thought Google would not bury the document, but it didnt come right up for me.


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