Pandemic Aesthetic. Moron “The Selfish Ledger.” Let’s Talk About Iatrogenic Illness and Injury.

Causes infertility and loss of litters in pregnant rats = safe for pregnant women. Causes myocarditis/pericarditis in other countries = safe for Americans. Definitely a vibe.

I recently wrote about the “leaked internal training” video made by Google called The Selfish Ledger here. While The Selfish Ledger shows us what Google gets out of its relationship with users by steering us through the internet via algorithm/AI-generated content and clicks over time, I showed what we get out of it, namely, our various psychotic consumerist identities (aka aesthetics) arrived at after a lifetime of clicks and spending. I should mention that Google responded to the controversial “leak” by stating that the video was fiction, it was intended as a thought experiment, and did not represent any existing technology or products. It is up to us to discern whether that’s likely true.

The above video is the State Attorney General of Kansas detailing the lawsuit recently filed against Pfizer for its (allegedly) illegal “marketing” of their mRna COVID vaccine, including a campaign of misinformation and online censorship. While Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social medial platforms were also involved in pandemic-era censorship, we know that Google specifically altered its search results to virtually-disappear (among other things) the COVID-critical document known as The Great Barrington Declaration, and at least one scientist reported that his private communications — that went against the orthodox corporate and government COVID narrative — were being censored through Google Docs.

Now that the COVID dust has settled somewhat, some of us are hearing various truths about mRna vaccines for the first time, including that early pre-clinical data — meaning in the animal-torture stage — indicated that the mRna shots caused infertility and loss of litters in pregnant mice. There was also a “safety signal” following its rollout in human subjects — a horrendous reversal where “safety” actually means danger — where dangerous heart-related side effects including myocarditis and pericarditis became obvious. These so-called “side effects” of the Big Pharma medications were severely downplayed throughout COVID and continue to be downplayed in all media, up to and including ongoing censorship of factual information regarding the harms of COVID measures that Google seems not to like.

Against all evidence, in the United States and elsewhere, the COVID mRna vaccines continue to be marketed as “safe and effective” and are recommended for pregnant women and others who are not at risk for severe disease and/or who are at increased risk of harm from a novel gene therapy that is known to cause unchecked systemic inflammation resulting in pregnancy complications, autoimmune disease, heart disease, fast growing cancers, paralysis and death.

And that brings me to the subject of iatrogenic illness and injury generally, otherwise known as “side effects” of medical interventions like examinations and diagnostic tests, prescription medications, and surgical procedures and the like, where the interventions themselves are dangerous and cause foreseeable harm. Upon reflection, it seems to me that many of us were already primed to accept COVID-related censorship including downplaying of vaccine-related iatrogenic illness and injury well before COVID, having been steered in that direction for decades and entire lifetimes via among other things, algorithm/AI-generated content and clicks.

Weirdly, our various and varied psychotic consumerist identities or aesthetics, if you will, largely (or fully) have the shared characteristic of being pro-Big Medicine and by definition, normalize medical events and deny or downplay medicine’s foreseeable, avoidable harms. Don’t they? As this is where a lifetime of interacting with Google has led us, and considering The Selfish Ledger and Google’s now very obvious interest in supporting Big Pharma and the Western medical machine, we can probably thank Google for that.

Some of these identities/partial identities are as follows. Feel free to mix and match (the more psychotic the better!) seeing as how most of us already are:

Heterosexual. Included here are the identities of sexual liberation, sex-positive/third wave feminist, tradwife, sex worker/prostitute, bisexual, mother, and other identities that normalize medical events related to hetero coupling and intercourse, including domestic violence, pregnancy, contraception, birth control, and abortion and downplay foreseeable harms of resulting medical interventions including so-called side effects of medications, medicalized misogyny/abuse and medical mistakes. See also, Trying to Conceive(TTC)/Infertility Journey. Includes all of the above and more.

Transgender. Normalized lifelong medical diagnoses and interventions including medically unnecessary evaluation, medication, surgery, you know the drill.

Minimalist/clean living. Somehow, the “clean” aesthetic often normalizes (inconspicuous?) consumption of Big Pharma consumer products and medical/quasi medical goods and services including bleach/sanitation products; internal and external cleansers; supplements and pills; regular/excessive “tests” and checkups; removals and extractions; and weirdo aesthetic and other procedures that open the door to infection, reactions and medical/quasi medical mistakes. See also, Maximalist (conspicuous consumption) which somehow (!) does basically the same thing. See also, Health Nut. See also, Fitness Influencer. See also, Self Care Queen.

Sideshow Chic. Tattoos, piercings, cosmetic surgery and increasingly extreme body modifications normalize needles and other medical instruments, sterilization, penetration, cutting, anesthesia, and unnecessary/recreational injuries that often require medical intervention later. For the record, I have multiple (healed) piercings and tattoos myself. See also, Hot Girl With Ostomy. Normalized/fetishized extreme consumption of medical goods and services including endless surgeries and lifelong need for specialized care, prosthetics, catheters, artificial waste collection and the like. See also, Injury/Illness Warrior. See also, Special Needs Mom. See also, Body Horror Fan. I’ve written about all of these before.

New Money. Normalize becoming — or dating/marrying — a medical student, medical professional or doctor. Normalize academic institutions and higher education, the pinnacle of which seems to be teaching Western medicine (and law).

Mental Health Fangirl. Normalized, conspicuous consumption of Big Pharma solutions for behavior and feelings related to oppression, poverty, trauma, grief, and abuse. Normalized misdiagnoses of largely untreatable physical disease as “treatable” mental illness. All this despite the recent very public antidepressant scandal and debunking of the chemical-imbalance theory of depression. See also, Manic Pixie Dream Girl, Debbie Downer, and other characters/caricatures who are potential Mental Health Fangirls and just don’t know it yet.

Ambulance Chaser. Includes lawyers and others who make a living off of sick and injured people, where positive diagnostic tests and findings on examination are a “good thing” because its good for the legal or other case, and where less-severe injuries and subclinical illness are problematic because they are harder to prosecute and easier to heal. Clients are forced to engage with the medical machine to create evidence for the legal case, even though it opens the door to iatrogenic illness and injury including medical mistakes, medicalized trauma, medicalized abuse and rape. See also, Disability Benefits (sorry).

Social Justice Warrior. Normalized “access” and “equal opportunity” to consume medical care, largely without concern about the quality of care, including the realities of iatrogenic illness and injury like medication side effects, surgical complications, medicalized misogyny, or medical mistakes. See also, Patriarchal Enforcer, who forces often conspicuous consumption of medical goods and services on others “for their own good” whether the “patient” wants to consume them or not. See also, Nurse Ratched.

Transhumanist. All of the above and more, including more synthetics and man-made chemicals, more prosthetics and medical wares, increasing and increasingly bizarre solutions to the manufactured problem of being human in a human body, and more side effects, and more solutions. Rinse and repeat forever. See also, STEM careers. Looking at you, STEM women.

Can we see how these various different-but-actually-the-same aesthetics/psychotic consumerist identities — and many millions of years and lifetimes’ worth of engagement with fucking Google, including algorithm/AI-generated content and clicks — probably led us right into a global pandemic, where The Science that was positioned to save us was also guaranteed to hurt us but we mostly or fully didn’t care?

As I conclude this post, I feel moved to remind my readers that I’ve been writing about iatrogenic illness and injury on this blog since well before COVID, haven’t I. This information was and is absolutely bleeding edge, if I do say so myself, and has been out there and available on this blog since 2018, and probably in other places and for longer than that, but how many people actually saw it? How many that saw it then took it to heart and/or acted on it, to protect themselves against the completely foreseeable harms of COVID protocols including mRna vaccines?

Regarding Crohn’s disease-related material specifically, I recognized early on that these online spaces were lousy with Big Pharma shills and industry trolls, and the way you can tell is this: their medications actually worked, worked well, and worked long term to quell the unrelenting agony of inflammatory bowel disease. The lying Big Pharma trolls had (fake) supportive families and friends and easily got their (fake) lives back, without complications, medical mistakes or side effects once they started their fake Big Pharma treatment for their fake Crohn’s. Perhaps most notably, they directed other users including alt-therapy consumers and abstainers toward Big Pharma solutions using mass-marketing words like relief and crave, as in, the newest Big Pharma consumer product will provide the relief you crave. Seriously, who talks like that?

Whereas the actual patients suffered, suffered more, and suffered still; they lost everything, including their families, friends, and livelihoods; their medications did not work, work well, or work for long; and the “side effects” and complications of treatment were often just as bad or even worse than the disease itself, and considering how agonizing un- and under-treated Crohn’s actually is, that’s saying something, innit. The actual patients knew that the drugs didn’t do what they said on the tin, they (we) knew that doctors follow a script to cover their own asses, they (we) knew that the protocols — The Science if you will — didn’t work and even made us worse.

The real patients knew that the side effects, complications and medical mistakes — and resulting disabilities and disfigurements — were ours alone to bear and some of us have been talking and writing about this online for a long time. But that’s not what most people saw when they interacted with Google in 2018, or what they saw during COVID, or what anyone sees now or will ever see, is it. Compared to the Big Pharma Crohn’s sites like Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada,, blogs like this one — Cannabis Refugee, Esq. and others like it, if there even are any — are invisible, even more invisible than my previous radical feminist blogs, and again, that’s saying something.

In fact, if it weren’t for my previous audience making its way over here, this blog likely would never have had any visitors at all. Considering that they were visible in Google, it’s almost as if my previous heterosexual, liberated woman, sideshow chic aesthetic blogs weren’t that subversive (or anti-consumerist, or anti-patriarchy) afterall. At least, not 15 years ago, and not compared to this.

Comments open.

8 thoughts on “Pandemic Aesthetic. Moron “The Selfish Ledger.” Let’s Talk About Iatrogenic Illness and Injury.

  1. “..increasing and increasingly bizarre solutions to the manufactured problem of being human in a human body..”

    Thank you for that. I am very disturbed by transhumanism and these manufactured problems and identities, which you have outlined – and I have often felt like I am ‘not allowed’ to be uncomfortable with these things; I guess that is normalisation in action. It is encroaching where it shouldn’t be encroaching, and I’m sick of it being equated with good and inevitable progress which I am mulishly resisting, in vain. It is like some global techno Taming of the Shrew production.

    With these identities organised in one place as you have them here, the uniting thread of medical compliance and often extremely invasive medical procedures, is clearly apparent. ‘Ambulance Chaser’ and ‘Mental Health fangirl’ were new to me, but recognisable. This also reminds me of dolls with accessories, these identities and the specific medical services they require.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’ve added Health Nut and Fitness Influencer under the Minimalist/Clean Living identity. If there are any specific identities that I’ve missed, feel free to add them in the comments. I might add “Early Screening Psycho” to the list somewhere.

    I like your image of dolls with accessories. That is very apt. To add to that, we all know that the accessories are the first thing to be lost when there is an upheaval in the person’s life, (like moving) you can easily find the dolls at yardsales but almost never the accessories. Considering the likely incoming supply chain issues and whatnot, that time is coming, I’m afraid. We will be lucky to have soap and clean water. Of course, a lot of places already don’t have that.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Health Nuts and Fitness Influencers, yes, a million are influenced/spawned every minute judging by the feed. There are a lot of sub-categories in the health/lifestyle influencer category, maybe they could be called the Nuts (not in a good way) – the devotees of Carnivore and Vegan diets etc. A lot of those types are very against mainstream medicine, but they are conspicuously psychotic consumerist identity victims, so I assume there is a plan for them too – many say the same, that they will be part of a left-turn next phase in the medical plan/whatever this is, captured in a different part of the game since they were never going to be captured by the original covid orthodoxy.

    I read the PubMed covid censorship article you linked. I unsurprisingly wasn’t aware of the Great Barrington Declaration, but I did find it online. I’m sure covid was a pretext for those aggressively protected lockdowns, which were part of something else, some test for a next phase of global human management – google has been gathering our data for ages in preparation, so that would explain their censorship of dissident voices against the massive info scrape/covid management plan – lockdowns, QR codes, health passports, constant invasive health ‘checks.’

    And that would tie into their investment in these med-centric viral identities which they are boosting.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. While we will never know for sure, I suspect a LOT of the health nut/fitness influencer types did take the vaccines. For one thing, I doubt most of them could separate themselves from the vaccine = “good person” narrative, that was pretty compelling! There was also a vibe of the abuser’s favorite “this time it’s different” so even if they were kind of anti-medicine before, this time seemed different enough (somehow!) that they could take the jabs without troubling their identities too much. I also think the fitness crowd is already used to various interventions and quasi-medical stuff, like supplementing and “testing levels” and things, and do not have an anti-consumerist baseline (obviously, almost no one does) so they would have no defenses to this kind of propaganda campaign. Its possible that they weren’t captured by COVID orthodoxy, but if they weren’t I’m not sure why not. Then there is the group that took the jabs but didnt want to. I’m trying to think of the common denominator in those who didnt take it, and I think it was antiauthoritarianism, more than anything, and I dont think the fitness influencers are that. It would be really interesting to know what the uptake was in that group.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. A lot of the fitness health influencer types who took the jab were also influenced by the message shoved down everyone’s throat that to be anti-jab was to be racist.

    I remember how heavily pushed that “vaccines fight racism” messaging was, how mask refusers wanted to kill black bus drivers, how liberal women were writing that the only acceptable “vaccine hesitancy” was among POC because of the unethical Tuskegee experiments on black men.  Zero mention of millennia of unethical research and medical torture of women. This was conveniently timed with the highly publicized case of George Floyd in June 2020 and the Central Park Karen who didn’t want an unknown man jumping out of the bushes at her, but was I believe fired for her quote unquote racism, just days before that. After those two incidents everyone had to virtue signal about their anti-racism, including obviously racist people. And then by the time the jabs rolled out, everyone “knew” that the only people opposed to them were racists.

    Any type of online influencer is going to be influenced themselves by the mind control experts who largely control the internet and pop culture. Influencers were being called out for not crafting black lives matter messages on their social media platforms so most of them went along with it and then a year later rolled up their sleeves for big pharma’s finest.

    The group I saw who declined the jab but are still very authoritarian would be certain religious people. I guess they pick and choose what they’re authoritarian about, since they certainly are not for everyone’s bodily autonomy.

    I appreciate the discussion about this. I try to refresh my memory on the timeline and general sentiment of 2020-2022 so I don’t forget how this all went down, especially amid normies’ amnesiac gaslighting and rewriting of history.  

    Liked by 3 people

  6. It’s interesting to think that your CRE blog is more subversive than FCM. Reminds me of an interview I heard last year on yt. Someone interviewed Jonquil and she mentioned that FCM helped wake her up but that she disagrees with your new blog. I wonder how many of your former readers agree with her.

    It does seem that a female-identified, anti-medical, anti-authoritarian perspective is about the most radical, anti-status quo anyone can get. That’s really something.

    Praising FCM while disavowing CRE is especially offensive because CRE was borne from your experience as a seriously ill woman who was fleeing medical abuse. Beyond radical feminism theory — actually living the consequences of male supremacy which middle class, property-owning, non-chronically ill women are largely protected from. 

    CRE is based on the lived experience of being abandoned by everyone while your life is destroyed by illness.  A nightmare which apparently almost no one has the creativity or intelligence to imagine living through, based on the near-total inability of the able-bodied to show concern, support or empathy to sick women.  

    And here she is, an able bodied woman (who made fun of a woman who declined to wear a mask while working OUTDOORS in a community garden bc she had asthma, and jj said she “wanted attention”) who has no empathy for the chronically ill, telling us to shut up about it and stop criticizing medicine. Telling all of us to suck it up and let big pharma penetrate us like the male criminals told us to. Remember she wanted us to vow that we would never seek medical care if we refused the jab?

    Fuck that. Fuck everyone for gaslighting sick women. Just like the whole world does. 

    Maybe radical feminists who aren’t seriously ill don’t understand this, but when they act like ableist male-minded handmaidens who have no concern for chronically ill women, it doesn’t land any better simply because they’ve read second wave texts, or because they’re lesbian, or because they’re women.  I really do not give a fuck what your sexuality or politics are when you pose a direct threat to my survival and advocate for my death.

    And if any lurker thinks I’m exaggerating, think again. I’ve explained exactly how the jab would lead to a decline in my function and eventual death directly on my blog and in YT comments to the “radfems” who were pro-jab. They. Are. Aware. They still told me to get jabbed.

    Every week a new person crops up on ME forums — “I’m severely ill with ME from the Covid vax” or “I became severe after the Covid vax.” Every week. Exactly as I predicted, too. Women with severe ME, Crohn’s, etc. without support or wealth don’t usually have happy endings. They die in abject poverty and misery.

    I mean, she read FCM and Dworkin and Daly, but when push comes to shove there is NO difference in how she gaslights us about being ill and our choices in dealing with it, than how the most anti-feminist assholes gaslight us.  No different from the CDC calling ME patients hysterical middle aged women. So she’s only radfem when it comes to lesbian spaces but all other vulnerable women can be fucked I guess.

    It’s not just one woman, either. Apply this to all the other “radical” women who worship male medicine and who supported mandatory vaccines.

    This shit makes me see red so much.  I might work on a post to go deeper, Illness and Goddess willing.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. that was a righteous rant diver, ty for that. how does jonquil Jones have enough time to shit talk me on the internet? shouldn’t she be standing in line somewhere for her 99th COVID vaccine?

    as a reminder, or for those who weren’t there, I quit blogging at FCM bc I was sick of lazy fucking readers who became addicted to my writing like it was fucking crack, but refused to do anything with the information except sit on their thumbs and wait for MOAR. but there was no more, it was time to act on what we all knew. what good was “waking” someone like JJ up when all it did was make her think she deserved a platform on which to speak, which she used to coerce other women into getting COVID vaccines while she sits in her hot tub with her same sex spouse who literally works for big pharma? Jesus Christ. transhumanist STEM lesbians who credit me for waking them up, yay!

    also, Lisa Michelle, a “radfem” fitness influencer, slobbered all over JJ for her “pristine logic” in coercing other women to get jabbed. she is just one fitness influencer, but as a “radfem” you would think she would be one of the most critical of Western medicine, not one of the least. but there you go. can FCM take credit for that awakening too? lol. kind of questioning my life choices rn tbh.

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