COVID Doctor Whistleblowers Asking For Money. That’s Rich.

This is a doctor and researcher who has been creating COVID critical content on YouTube, specifically addressing the issue of autoimmunity in COVID, post-COVID and post-vaccine patients. Recently, he released this video in which he asks his community to donate money to doctors and others who are “doing the right thing” by blowing the whistle on COVID fake science including unsupported/unsupportable lockdowns, unapproved novel “vaccines” and the like.

In this video, he includes a clip of an interview with a female pediatrician who has recently been burdened with $300,000 in legal costs and fees related to her COVID critical activism. She insisted during and after the pandemic that lockdowns and other measures would be harmful to her patients, specifically children, citing peer-reviewed medical literature to support her position, and her predictions regarding the effects of COVID measures on children’s mental health and educations and whatnot have now come to pass. The government had been seeking to remove her licensure and although they were unsuccessful and eventually ended their inquiry, and she retained her license and her ability to see patients, she complains that the financial and other costs of defending herself against the government are untenable and that she “never thought this would be the cost of speaking truth to power.” Oh my God.

She didn’t know that? She didn’t see this coming from a mile away? If she didn’t, I submit that it’s only because she had probably never done it once in her entire fucking life. Not once must this woman have ever, one single time, had a deviant thought, or spoken one out loud, even though she is a female in a more or less global patriarchy and a woman of color at that. As a child and young person, she must’ve never challenged her parents, teachers or any authority figure anywhere. As an adult, not a single time had she ever spoken up about the widespread abuse or neglect endemic to her industry, not during medical school when people of conscience are known to drop out or commit suicide because of the horrific realities of their profession, including torturing live animals for school credit. Not during her residency when she likely had to torture human beings by flogging corpses, administering treatment to “combative” (read: unconsenting) patients and the like.

Not during her practice where she has likely been “practicing” on nonviable infants, overdiagnosing/overmedicalizing and administering problematic Big Pharma drugs to children and providing dubious, unscientific psychiatric diagnoses/medications and transgender care (I’m guessing, since she is a pediatrician in Canada where there is no or virtually no pushback against transgender ideology). Not a single fucking time, pre-COVID, has this woman ever had reason to speak truth to power not once. Not once. Nor did she likely even know anyone who had, because if she had known anyone who had spoken truth to power, even one person and even one time, that person could have told her what it’s like and what’s likely to happen to anyone who fails to toe the line and that speaking truth to power is an effective way to be destroyed.

Those of us who have done it know how dangerous and costly it is, we know that speaking truth to power is a good, predictable way to become absolutely destroyed in every material way that matters, including loss of financial and physical security; loss of friends, family and professional relationships; loss of current and future opportunities; loss of status and power; and the loss of our physical and mental health and even our very lives. The only thing that anyone gets out of speaking truth to power, it seems, is a clear conscience and she has that. Her conscience is clear, she can sleep at night or whatever, perhaps her patients trust her because she has shown that she is worthy of it. Hopefully, her advocacy during and after COVID including her informed predictions prevented her from actively doing harm. And community. She now has community that she never had before, and in the case of COVID activism, a growing, well-educated, well-resourced community that is proving to have been on the right side of history. It’s not much, perhaps, but it’s not nothing either.

She didn’t know what she would probably lose once she spoke against her profession, but now that she knows, and she is buckling under an oppressive weight for the first time in her life somehow (!) I’m just not feeling that sorry for her. Are you? It is significant, but not dispositive, that the regulatory agency that prosecuted her did not ultimately revoke her licence and she can still practice medicine largely if not entirely as she had before. She can still earn, she is free to save, she just might have to miss the deadline for the payment of her legal fees, possibly declare bankruptcy and fuck over her lawyers/legal team but who really cares about that? Paying a token activist’s legal fees often drains activist communities of their collective resources, that seems to be half if not fully the point of bringing legal and administrative charges against activists, even where the charges are eventually dropped.

This doctor has so far raised over $100,000 from her community and may well raise the entire $300,000, her community being a bunch of fucking doctors afterall, and apparently, most of them were too cowardly to speak up themselves so they are still rich and still practicing medicine, with no outstanding legal fees of their own. Dr. Vejon, who signal blasted her GoFundMe (or GiveSendGo? wtf) in this video believes that it is crucial that people understand the costs of activism, if they don’t already, and that we donate to activists’ coffers just on principle, apparently. It’s not like this female doctor is dying, she is not even financially dying ffs, it’s not like she can’t practice medicine anymore. Just on principle, it appears, we are expected to shoulder the costs and burden-share with fucking doctors, fucking rich authoritarian doctors, so that they can clear their consciences and build community for free, with no actual costs to themselves, or as little cost as possible.

For my part, I do not think that divesting doctors of their ill-gotten gains from practicing unethical and oppressive Western medicine is undeserved in any context, and in this context of attempting to rein-in their own megalomaniacal profession over its response to the COVID panicpanic, it’s kind of poetic justice, innit. And I’m not sure this gutless, no-stakes “activism” by naive one-percenters — who have been torturing people and animals since medical school — is the activism or the activists that anyone wants or needs. This could be the very definition of controlled opposition, actually, now that I think about it. Radical feminists, perhaps better than anyone, know the value of that.

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2 thoughts on “COVID Doctor Whistleblowers Asking For Money. That’s Rich.

  1. No, I don’t feel sorry for her at all. As you wrote, her c19 rebellion seems like an aberration, and one that she is attempting to be fully compensated for.

    Doctors just can’t afford to speak truth to power and remain doctors, but as you’ve said numerous times, there is generally no fear of that.

    She has the outstanding entitlement which I have noticed in certain people, especially in workplace situations. Some people never complain about being put out, even when they probably should, and others are constantly making noise about the slightest inconveniences to them, with no insight into how their behaviour inconveniences others. Her shock at not being rewarded for speaking out reminds me of these people, who don’t usually do anything without expecting (extra) money and/or adulation.

    There is also something undignified in asking to be compensated for doing the right thing, especially when you are not made penniless by it, as this women was not. She seems like one of the ‘winners’ in this hideous game, actually. And if she has to conduct a fundraising campaign every time she rocks the boat, I doubt she will set aside much more of her valuable time to do it.

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  2. It is undignified! There was an ethical decision that came down some years ago regarding lawyer whistleblowers and lawyers who turn in their employers for ethical violations, or quit because of the firm’s violations. The decision was that lawyers are required to do the right thing, even when it’s inconvenient for them and even if they lose their jobs over it. There was a bit of a “tone” to the decision iirc, or maybe I was just reading that into it, that the lawyers who even asked to be compensated this way were considered undignified and even unethical at base, for even considering not doing the right thing when there was a cost to themselves. I know people hate lawyers for being unethical and undignified, but there it is. At least there is an ethics board for lawyers. But everyone worships doctors and thinks they are saints. It’s unbelievable. I’m glad someone else doesn’t feel sorry for this woman bc I sure don’t.

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