The Case for Legal Separatism. Let’s Talk About Kristel Candelario.

I have already made a case for separatism in the context of “health” or so-called women’s health, where female-bodied people will only ever be othered and problematized under a more or less global patriarchy. Despite decades of feminist activating by now, and women attempting to change the “healthcare system” so that it is more therapeutic and less oppressive to us, women’s physical and mental states continue to be either over or undermedicalized as a tool of patriarchal control. It probably goes without saying on this blog that women’s experience of the legal system is rife with the same type and degree of male supremacy and misogynistic abuse, despite decades of feminist attempts at legal reform.

The Kristel Candelario criminal case is a recent example of how the legal system others and problematizes women and along with a few other similar criminal cases, I think makes an excellent case for legal separatism, where girls and women who commit violence or other antisocial acts could be dealt with in a way that does not other and problematize females for being female. I say could be because this is so unlikely to ever happen that I only offer it as a thought exercise at this point.

What I am about to propose, that separatist women be in charge of other women who have committed often very serious or violent crimes, and often against children, is probably going to read as science fiction, that’s how entrenched male supremacy and misogyny is in the law, and how foundational male supremacist law is to society. What I am about to propose — not othering women and women having any real political power at all without being patriarchal handmaidens — could only happen on a different fucking planet at this point, but I’m going to attempt to describe what I am thinking anyway and I can only hope my communication (creative writing) skills are up to the task. I am doing this because I think it’s important.

Kristel Candelario has been in the news this month because she has been convicted and sentenced for murder in the death of her 16-month old child. Did she beat the girl to death? No. Did she hand the child off to some male who killed her? No. Kristel Candelario apparently left the child home alone for 10 days and when she came back the child was dead. The prosecution chose to characterize her absence as a “vacation” and maybe it was. She apparently traveled from her home in Cleveland, Ohio to Puerto Rico, and then Detroit, before returning home. But does that sound right to you?

Let me interject some lived experience here, otherwise known as an anecdote. When I was in college, I worked at a supermarket and I hurt my back one night taking the trash out to the dumpster. I filed a worker’s compensation claim because I needed some physical therapy or some kind of treatment for my back, and a couple of days later I was called out of town to attend my brother’s final illness and ultimately his death. I ended up being gone for several weeks if not a couple of months, I don’t even remember anymore. I went from Indiana to Florida, then Chicago, then back to Florida during that time. When I got back, the supermarket’s insurance company interviewed me about my injury and they decided it must not have been that serious if I could go on vacation right afterwards. They used that framing to deny my claim and I didn’t bother fighting it. I had bigger and worse issues by then than trying to get physical therapy for my injured back.

So let’s just say that men who want to control the narrative, to punish women, to deny them their rights, deny them medical care, whatever, are not above claiming a woman’s absence is a vacation when it’s not. In case anyone wondered, or didn’t even think to wonder, that’s a thing men do when they are trying to thwart a woman or fuck up her life. You can read the rest of the article yourself to see how the prosecution and judge — and the media — have framed the other issues in this case. You can see for yourself that the judge sentenced this woman to jail for life, without the possibility of parole, and that while handing down this supposedly rational, unbiased sentence he waxed poetic about the maternal bond that he believes exists because he says so.

Continue reading “The Case for Legal Separatism. Let’s Talk About Kristel Candelario.”

COVID Doctor Whistleblowers Asking For Money. That’s Rich.

This is a doctor and researcher who has been creating COVID critical content on YouTube, specifically addressing the issue of autoimmunity in COVID, post-COVID and post-vaccine patients. Recently, he released this video in which he asks his community to donate money to doctors and others who are “doing the right thing” by blowing the whistle on COVID fake science including unsupported/unsupportable lockdowns, unapproved novel “vaccines” and the like.

In this video, he includes a clip of an interview with a female pediatrician who has recently been burdened with $300,000 in legal costs and fees related to her COVID critical activism. She insisted during and after the pandemic that lockdowns and other measures would be harmful to her patients, specifically children, citing peer-reviewed medical literature to support her position, and her predictions regarding the effects of COVID measures on children’s mental health and educations and whatnot have now come to pass. The government had been seeking to remove her licensure and although they were unsuccessful and eventually ended their inquiry, and she retained her license and her ability to see patients, she complains that the financial and other costs of defending herself against the government are untenable and that she “never thought this would be the cost of speaking truth to power.” Oh my God.

She didn’t know that? She didn’t see this coming from a mile away? If she didn’t, I submit that it’s only because she had probably never done it once in her entire fucking life. Not once must this woman have ever, one single time, had a deviant thought, or spoken one out loud, even though she is a female in a more or less global patriarchy and a woman of color at that. As a child and young person, she must’ve never challenged her parents, teachers or any authority figure anywhere. As an adult, not a single time had she ever spoken up about the widespread abuse or neglect endemic to her industry, not during medical school when people of conscience are known to drop out or commit suicide because of the horrific realities of their profession, including torturing live animals for school credit. Not during her residency when she likely had to torture human beings by flogging corpses, administering treatment to “combative” (read: unconsenting) patients and the like.

Not during her practice where she has likely been “practicing” on nonviable infants, overdiagnosing/overmedicalizing and administering problematic Big Pharma drugs to children and providing dubious, unscientific psychiatric diagnoses/medications and transgender care (I’m guessing, since she is a pediatrician in Canada where there is no or virtually no pushback against transgender ideology). Not a single fucking time, pre-COVID, has this woman ever had reason to speak truth to power not once. Not once. Nor did she likely even know anyone who had, because if she had known anyone who had spoken truth to power, even one person and even one time, that person could have told her what it’s like and what’s likely to happen to anyone who fails to toe the line and that speaking truth to power is an effective way to be destroyed.

Continue reading “COVID Doctor Whistleblowers Asking For Money. That’s Rich.”

Sexual Crimes Are “Next To” Murder. More On Jodi Hildebrandt.

This is a follow-up interview with Jessi Hildebrandt, niece of convicted child abuser and Mormon therapist Jodi Hildebrandt. I’ve been about 50% keeping up with this story and have written about it several times. Currently, I am struck by what appears to be a tenet of Mormonism, which is that so-called sexual crimes are “next to murder” in the hierarchy of crime and are therefore punished severely by the Mormon church, nearly as severely as the crime of murder. Although I have no idea what extralegal role the church takes in punishing murderers, (!) the church apparently refers adherents to church-approved therapists when they are considered within the community to have committed a sexual crime.

What counts as “sexual crime” seems to be a point of contention within Mormonism, or at least, males who consume porn, cheat on their wives and commit other sexual offenses that are barely on the radar in secular America, are boo-hooing that Mormonism considers those things to be sexual offenses at all. There does not seem to be a hierarchy within the various sexual offenses, and masturbation and premarital sex (for example) seem to be treated as severely as any other sexual deviance. Initially, Jessi was sent to live with Jodi as a teenager after questioning her parents’ Mormon faith. After being accused by Jodi of various sexual offenses herself, including masturbation and being a lesbian, accusations Jessi denies, and after enduring months if not years of abusive “therapy” in Jodi’s care, Jessi finally successfully escaped by running away.

At the time of the abuse and her escape, and in the aftermath including Jessi’s resulting homelessness and being raped in a homeless shelter, no one cared about Jessi’s accounts of abuse, even though her experience was strikingly similar to the experiences of Jodi’s latest victims, for which “therapy” Jodi has now been convicted of aggravated child abuse and sentenced to prison. Understandably, Jessi is currently on a crusade, as it were, to expose Jodi’s long history of abuse and the role of the Mormon church in enabling Jodi and generally creating and perpetuating a culture of abusive “therapies” for so-called sexual crimes.

In this interview and elsewhere, Jessi describes the Mormon belief that sexual crimes are “next to” murder and proceeds to tear the belief apart. While advocating for herself, she also advocates for other Mormons who have been accused of sexual crimes, mostly if not exclusively Mormon males who were referred to Jodi for treatment for “pornography addiction” and other diagnoses, which males have claimed that Jodi summarily wrecked their marriages and ruined their lives. The men have reported that, due to the men’s proclivities including porn consumption and sexual infidelity/promiscuity (and likely more serious offenses like rape, incest and trafficking but no one wants to talk about that) Jodi told them they were dangerous to their wives and children and often separated the men from their families, where the men left the household as a precondition to saving their marriages and their own eternal souls.

Jessi is mad about this and thinks all Jodi’s victims were treated unfairly and that all Mormon doctrine “is bullshit” including the seriousness with which the Mormon church seems to treat sexual crime. As a spectator to these most recent events, including Jodi’s criminal prosecution and conviction and Jessi’s and others’ testimonies of Jodi’s abuse, I can report that secular America is appalled at these stories and at the Mormon tenet that sexual crime is next to murder, and that things like porn consumption and infidelity are considered sexual crimes at all.

Of course, secular America has pretty serious (and pretty unaddressed) problems of its own with sexual entitlement, predation, violence and abuse, making this alliance between pornified Mormons and pornified normies a bit more problematic and a bit less savory than anyone will probably admit. Radical feminists have analyzed and written about sexualized violence and abusive sexual practices for decades and from what I can tell, sexual crimes like rape, incest and trafficking really are “next to” murder in their brutality and destructive intent and effects on victims.

Continue reading “Sexual Crimes Are “Next To” Murder. More On Jodi Hildebrandt.”

The Case For “Health” Separatism. Let’s Talk About Overmedicalization.

I wrote earlier about the apparent recent rewriting of the definition of “healthy” here. A good paper examining the rewrite and new definition is here, from the Pan African Medical Journal. Reading this article for the third time, I was struck at the hopelessness of the situation of reformism in general, and that includes rewriting definitions of previously existing words and the problem of inclusivity, or trying to include marginalized people and their lived experience when and where they just are not welcome. The exclusion, in other words, is deliberate. It is not an accident, the system is not broken but is functioning exactly as intended. We know this.

One problem reformists encounter over and over again is that our words are constantly twisted, misinterpreted and applied in ways that manage to be the exact opposite of the way they were intended by the marginalized people (or allies) who originally crafted them. Arguably perhaps, feminists initially wanted liberation from male supremacy but ended up mired in equality activating that positioned male as the default. Women wanted to survive and thrive like men survive and thrive, we wanted to be not-oppressed because of our sex the way men are not-oppressed because of theirs. If we ever said “equal” and we may not have, but if we did, that is what we meant. At least, that is the feminist meaning of those words whether the ones who used them originally were really feminist or not, or controlled opposition or not.

Feminists then and now notably did not mean that men and women are the same. Now we are in the horrific situation of being unable to enforce same-sex female spaces for example, because men and women are legally and socially the same when men want them to be, and this is said to be a feminist outcome because it is an equality outcome. Grown men can “compete” against teenaged girls in women’s sports and must be granted access to women’s changing and locker rooms because feminism. This is the easiest example I can think of but there are many.

This is what happens when we try to change the system from the inside. This is why, as law professor and inventor of the concept of workplace sexual harassment ffs Catharine MacKinnon has said, despite all her efforts on behalf of women’s legal rights, the “perfect plaintiff” in a workplace sexual harassment case has turned out to be a male victim and notably not a female one. Male victims of sexual harassment will never be problematic victims the way women often are. Men are the perfect everything, compared to women, because male supremacy. Get it?

All the “feminist” and other work that went into the law recognizing workplace sexual harassment and the material consequences of that offense to women’s financial, physical and mental wellbeing ended up being largely for the benefit of men. We created yet another metric by which females just cannot measure up when compared to men. And we are always being unfavorably compared to men in a more or less global patriarchy. That’s pretty much the definition of it.

And as I have concluded many years ago by now, the only solution to the problem of patriarchal mission-creep, where male supremacy slides into every nook and cranny despite anyone’s actual intent, is female separatism as opposed to reformism. And by female separatism I mean prioritizing female identification, female perspective, female lived experience etc. where males and maleness are deliberately not the default ever. Not ever, in feminism, can maleness be the default, so participating in patriarchal power structures like legal reform — where male supremacy is a feature and not a bug of the law and always has been — is right out. The reality of political mission-creep in reformist activating and separatism as the only solution is where I would like to begin discussing this article on the “new” definition of health.

Continue reading “The Case For “Health” Separatism. Let’s Talk About Overmedicalization.”

Biopsychosocial = Medical Model in Disguise. Let’s Talk About Resilience.

This is an interview with Justin Garcon, a professor of philosophy and author on the topic of mental illness (or “madness”) as pain signal or survival strategy. He calls attention to the so-called “biopsychosocial” model of psychiatric disease as really being a wolf in sheep’s clothing, where we purposely no longer recognize that the condition/s known as madness still fall under the authority of Western medicine, only pretending that our concept of madness has evolved and is no longer medicalized, is less authoritarian, and more humane.

He asks, if so-called mental illness isn’t medicalized, why are doctors involved at all? Indeed. I would go further and ask, as I have asked before, if doctors can’t effectively treat various physical or mental conditions, why are they considered “medical” problems at all? (Why can’t these medical pricks stay in their lane? is a rhetorical question to most people reading here, obviously. It’s a tool of patriarchal control.) Here, “health problem” and “medical problem” are used interchangeably, which means that health and Western medicine are used interchangeably. We think they are the same thing and are encouraged to believe they are the same, but they aren’t the same.

In the same vein, and speaking of rewriting definitions, recently I’ve come across dialog around “health” and a supposedly evolved definition of health which has been rewritten from the historical definition of it, which was essentially to be free from physical disease. That old definition was altered somewhat by the WHO (World Health Organization) decades ago when it started to include mental and social well-being as well as physical health. Now, apparently, the definition has been rewritten again. From what I gather, now that so many people are chronically ill, and thus permanently unhealthy, we have made “resilience” synonymous with health. That means that a contemporary person is healthy if they are able to adapt to whatever circumstances, including serious physical and presumably mental disease. And obviously, adapt means that you are somehow (!) able to maintain a job and relationships, and participate in society.

Continue reading “Biopsychosocial = Medical Model in Disguise. Let’s Talk About Resilience.”

Bite Me Ruby Franke. Or, Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming.

Today, mommy vlogger Ruby Franke attended her sentencing hearing in a Utah courtroom, concluding legal proceedings for charges of felony child abuse. As I have written before, Franke was a Mormon family vlogger who was arrested last summer after two of her minor children were found in a tortured and emaciated condition following protracted in-house “therapy” at a Mormon therapist’s home. The therapist, Jodi Hildebrandt, was also sentenced today. You can read the statements Ruby and Jodi made to the court here.

And let’s talk about those statements. Well, Ruby’s in particular. Regarding Jodi’s statement, there wasn’t much to it, and she seems to have accepted her fate (role) as essentially Token Torturer and scapegoat for the Mormon church. I previously wrote about Jodi in my Blame the Lesbian post here. While each could serve up to 30 years for their crimes, it is yet to be seen how long each woman actually serves in prison. For Ruby’s part, she seems to have placed her bet on contrition, making a lengthy speech distancing herself from Jodi and what has been described as Jodi’s one-woman “cult” and reaffirming her allegiance to the good cult, the not-really-a-cult cult, the completely normalized, more or less global cult of patriarchy and its local chapter — this is all playing out in Utah afterall — LDS, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, aka the Mormon church.

There is probably quite a bit that could be said about Ruby’s statement, and a lot that is being said about it (just Google) but I would like to focus on this: as a part and parcel to cutting ties with the Bad Cult and reengaging with the Good Cult, in the very specific context of the more or less global post-COVID shitshow in which we now find ourselves, Ruby throws conspiracy theorists under the bus. Conspiracy theorists, you see, are somehow to blame for Ruby’s predicament and her decision to personally and by proxy — through Jodi Hildebrandt — torture and abuse her kids. Conspiracy theorists!

For the past four years, I’ve chosen to follow counseling guidance that has led me into a dark delusion. My distorted version of reality went largely unchecked, as I would isolate from anyone who challenged me.

I was led to believe that this world was an evil place — filled with cops who control, hospitals that injure, government agencies that brainwash, church leaders who lie and lust, husbands who refuse to protect and children who need [to be] abused. My choice to believe and behave this paranoia culminated into criminal activity, for which I stand before you today ready to take accountability.

Is that a rabbit over there?

Talk about a distraction. As a child of the 80s, of course I was reminded of this, and am reminded of it every time I see intentional distraction/misdirection happening in real time:

Continue reading “Bite Me Ruby Franke. Or, Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming.”

The Indoctrinated Brain. Interview with Dr. Michael Nehls. (The Mental Immune System)

Here is an interview with Dr. Michael Nehls, a medical doctor, geneticist and researcher who has identified the effects of fear on the human brain and cognition. There is a lot of material here and much that could be discussed, but the most notable to me is the characterization of critical thinking and the brain structures that make that possible as a “mental immune system” that is designed to protect us against pathogenic macroorganisms, otherwise known as other people. Particularly in the last few years, we have been directed and expected to attempt to protect ourselves against pathogenic microorganisms, specifically viruses, and specifically the SARS-COV-2 virus otherwise known as COVID. 

Because this was largely if not entirely a fear-based campaign, where a prolonged fear response has known cognitive effects, the global COVID response interfered with our mental immune system and our ability to protect ourselves against other people who clearly did not have our best interests in mind when they activated broad allegedly anti-COVID measures like vaccines, (anti) social distancing and lockdowns. Obviously, the changes to physical structures in the brain will have lasting effects, specifically, the effects of authoritarianism and compliance, which effects will continue long after the COVID narrative has passed. I found this fascinating, as I have previously characterized critical thought and antiauthoritarianism as a survival strategy and that’s apparently exactly what it is.

Continue reading “The Indoctrinated Brain. Interview with Dr. Michael Nehls. (The Mental Immune System)”

Elimination Communication. Moron Motherhood.

I recently read this on Huff Po about so called “elimination communication” by which attentive parents who actually share time, space and consciousness with their children receive communication from even newborn and very young babies that the babies need to eliminate waste, specifically feces. I have always sensed that diapering and letting babies and children literally shit themselves multiple times a day — and having to clean it up — could not possibly be a universal practice, that’s just obvious. I was unable to imagine an alternative however, beyond perhaps letting babies go pantless, outside, preferably on the shore of a large body of water like a river, lake or ocean and letting the sun, wind and tides clean the mess.

I’ve imagined something similar for menstruating women and have often wished I could be left alone to menstruate in peace, without the consumerist “solution” of humiliating, toxic, environmentally damaging tampons and pads. Once, in an online forum, I read a woman hinting strongly that there was a way for women to consciously control their flow which obviously piqued my interest, but she declined to expound on her thoughts online in the presence of prying (male) eyes. What the hell, lady. If you have something to share with the group, just fucking say it. I still don’t know what she was referring to. If anyone here wants to share on that topic, please feel free in the comments below.

Continue reading “Elimination Communication. Moron Motherhood.”

The Death of (Mainstream) Journalism. Do We Care About This?

Apparently, mainstream journalism (aka “journalism”) is in the process of burning itself to the ground. The mainstream media keeps talking about it, which is more meta than I can currently get my head around and seems not quite accurate. Seeing as how they still have a platform on which to speak. As a writer myself, and a one time journalism student, I’m trying to figure out if I care about this and what there is to even care about. I took J101 in college and worked at the student paper for a minute but got over “journalism” as a potential career track quickly. I don’t even remember why I hated it so much but I suspect it was just boring as hell. 

Whatever it was that turned me off of studying journalism forever, it must’ve been way worse than I thought it would be, which is saying something because I was completely prepared to suffer. Before that, one of my “possibilities” was to go to nursing school, because if I was going to end up in a job I hated anyway, which I recognized as a given, it may as well be something that paid. Ultimately I decided I wasn’t domesticated enough to be a nurse and couldn’t deal with a bunch of doctors telling me what to do. At the time, in the mid-1990s my college still had Women’s Studies as a minor and I found that I enjoyed those classes more than anything else that was on offer. Of course, the Women’s Studies department was gutted and renamed “Gender Studies” — and offered as a major — before I could graduate so I am the reluctant holder of a Gender Studies degree. Most of my professors were old-school WOST profs though and I did most of my coursework under their tutelage. I think it shows. 

Shortly thereafter, they systematically purged WOST of its faculty, specifically targeting the lesbians. It’s pretty wild having been there to see that in real time, knowing what we now know, including what Gender Studies ended up being a euphemism for. Mary Daly was still teaching at the time for fuck’s sake, and insisting on women-only classes, her audacity making national news. Which is how I heard about it, and how I first heard about her as a matter of fact. Jesus Christ that was a long time ago. But I digress.

Continue reading “The Death of (Mainstream) Journalism. Do We Care About This?”

Another Pull On the Slut Thread. Vagus Nerve Revival.

I’ve been looking into the vagus nerve as a potential locus of disease including ME/CFS, migraines, psychiatric disease, and the disease I suffer from, Crohn’s disease. This is hardly a deep dive on my part, because what’s the point when there is only so much you can know for sure and men fucking lie constantly about what is known, what is unknown, and what is unknowable. I think I’m getting the gist though.

From what I can tell, from reading academic studies as well as people discussing it, certain kinds of things are “good for” your vagus nerve, and by good for people seem to mean reviving or activating it. Apparently, the vagus nerve can end up just sitting there and not doing its job. Here is a summary of what is currently known about the vagus nerve including how to “treat” it. Of course the Cleveland Clinic would list treatments like Big Pharma poison, surgery and man-made nutrition delivered through feeding tubes being that they are Western medical sadists and torturers. Normal people talk about gargling, singing, belly breathing, hot and cold compresses and the like. Energetically, these people seem to be talking about shocking your vagus nerve back into compliance with stimulation including vibration and frequency, or something like it. This reminds me of shaking the life back into a limb that’s fallen asleep x 1000.

I was recently told that biologist Ray Peat recommended eating carrots as a migraine cure and I have an anecdote for that. Once, when I was in day 3 of a 4-day puking migraine, for some reason I started eating some stale peanut butter filled pretzels I had left on the counter. I was going to return them to the store because although they were “fresh” they were stale and hard as a rock but I noticed as I chewed that the tooth-shattering crunching was helping the pain in my head. I didn’t even care at that moment if I broke every tooth gnawing on, essentially, salty rocks, because the third day of a 4 day migraine has to be worse than death and who needs teeth anyway. 

When I heard about carrots as a migraine preventative/cure I tried it, first by making a salad out of shaved carrots and dressing. It didn’t work. I think Ray Peat was onto something with the carrots, but I suspect it’s the crunching that delivers the desired effects. My sad shaved carrots were limp but bright-tasting and nice as a salad but as medicine they didn’t work. Maybe adding some salt would’ve helped, but if Ray Peat noted a correlation between carrots and migraine relief, I think it was likely the crunch that did it. Maybe it’s both salt and crunch. 

Does “an apple a day” keep the doctor away because the crunch activates your vagus nerve and having an active vagus nerve is more or less required for good health? I don’t know, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if that’s largely (or exactly) what apples do for the people and animals who eat them. Leave it to Big Pharma to extract the “vitamin C” and other substances (or make them synthetically) and put them a pill for us to swallow, believing that the apple is merely the sum of its parts. And that synthetic is the same as naturally-occurring. We can extrapolate that to pretty much everything, can’t we. Stupid (unfathomably evil) fucks.

Continue reading “Another Pull On the Slut Thread. Vagus Nerve Revival.”

Dr. Clare Craig on COVID. A Christmas Distraction. You’re Welcome.

For those who need or want a 4 hour distraction from Christmas I offer this three part interview. Dr. Clare Craig details 12 COVID myths she has debunked as a pathologist and medical researcher including Children are Resilient, Everyone is Susceptible, Asymptomatic Spread, and Lockdowns and Masks Worked. I don’t really have anything to add. 

Perhaps excepting this. For my part, my family and I parted ways years ago over issues of authoritarianism, medical tyranny and chronic illness: they demanded that I submit to medical authority permanently and without question, even though conventional treatment wasn’t working and was making me worse and I declined. Instead, I fled from Western medicine to save my own life. Since then, I have avoided likely dozens of dangerous, invasive procedures that wouldn’t have helped, I’ve avoided hundreds of hours of scheduling appointments, traveling to see doctors, and “advocating” for myself which would not have improved my condition anyway, I’ve avoided predisposing myself to cancer and other known iatrogenic illness and injury from conventional Crohn’s drugs themselves. 

I’ve literally saved my immune system from the cancer-causing immunity decimating chemotherapy drugs that were the last resort and the final tool in the doctors’ toolbelts for “treating” my disease, and by “treating” of course I mean following the standard of care, the warm blanket of authority my doctors could cover themselves in to protect themselves if something went wrong and I didn’t get better, or in fact if during the course of our relationship I actually got progressively worse. Or if I died. All doctors have to do is follow the standard of care set by medical authorities in the case of any illness or any patient, as if all situations and all bodies are the same, and they are guaranteed to keep their licenses, status and incomes. Relief of pain and symptoms, stopping disease progression — or a cure — are not required. That’s what the medical standard of care is and that is what it means. 

Continue reading “Dr. Clare Craig on COVID. A Christmas Distraction. You’re Welcome.”

Blame the Lesbian. Moron Ruby Franke. Moron Futuregazing.

I have written before about the current legal troubles of YouTube mommy vlogger Ruby Franke. In August, Ruby and her “business partner” Mormon therapist Jodi Hildebrandt were arrested for felony child abuse after one of Ruby’s minor children escaped confinement at Hildebrandt’s house and was found in an emaciated and tortured condition. This week, Franke took a plea deal. She seems prepared to spend some number of years in prison but 2 out of 6 charges were dropped and she has agreed to testify against Hildebrandt. And this is exactly what I predicted would happen: the pretty Mormon mommy would be treated relatively leniently while the real focus and ire would be turned on the lesbian. I must be psychic.

Continue reading “Blame the Lesbian. Moron Ruby Franke. Moron Futuregazing.”

Patriarchy Denial = Colonization

I’ve been hearing more and more about so-called “sovereign women” who are radical-feminist adjacent, in that they advocate woman-identification and female separatism but who concurrently deny that patriarchy exists. I have written about this before. These women insist, even as they mold their lives, including future plans, physical movement and attention around or outside-of patriarchy that patriarchy is a “conspiracy word” and a conspiracy theory that does not represent anything real that must (or even theoretically could) be planned and moved around and paid attention-to. All I can say to these women is that’s what they want you to think. lol. Same with all conspiracy theories, innit. It makes you sound completely fucking crazy to surmise that we are being thought-controlled and gaslit about literally anything, even as we know factually that thought-control exists, gaslighting exists.

Are we supposed to believe, then, that we are being told absolutely everything about everything all the time? How many euphemisms are there for official lies and rote lying, shall we count them? ”National security” might be my personal favorite, it’s eternal, general purpose permission for governments to lie. Proprietary blend, corporate veil, privacy = lies, lies, lies. Espionage is a legitimate career track, so is advertising, but they are built on lying and lies. So is so-called medical research for that matter. So is political punditry and spin. Self-interest and advocacy (SJW) are up to if not fully 100% lies. To be sure, these things are > 0 lies, which means some amount of lies and not the whole full truth. Selective truth-telling is just another name for lying. Lying by omission is lying. Bluffing, puffery and poker-faces are just lies. 

And lying, at base, is a thought-control mechanism. Isn’t it? So can we agree that thought control exists? Great. Can we postulate that lying in furtherance of male supremacy is male supremacist thought control? Awesome, almost there. Is male supremacy a synonym for patriarchy? Yes it is. Can we therefore deduce that patriarchy exists? Yes, I think we can. 

I mean, there are other ways to go about showing that patriarchy exists but I think this one works. Another one is this: patriarchy means that all relevant institutional power is in men’s hands, including the military, academia, publishing, sci-med, finance, executive, judicial, legislative, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men. That’s just a demonstrable fact. And denying facts, in the face of their obvious truth, is gaslighting. Why would women including so-called sovereign women want to gaslight themselves and others about the existence of patriarchy? Because they are colonized women, that’s why. It’s the dick-in-the-brain that all women carry unless and until they exorcise it (or forever).

Did you think patriarchy meant something different than male-owned institutional power? It doesn’t. That’s what it means.

Continue reading “Patriarchy Denial = Colonization”

Vagus Nerve Neuromodulation + Long COVID. Patreon Pledge Drive.

The vagus nerve has been on my radar for the last couple of months so this seems timely to me. In my travels, I have seen the vagus nerve implicated in multiple chronic conditions including ME/CFS, so-called long COVID and specifically Crohn’s disease. I have been researching what “treatment” of vagus nerve dysregulation entails and so far it’s all been things like belly breathing, cold compresses and the like.

Today, one of the YouTube channels I subscribe to addressed vagus nerve treatment and is promoting a medical device for vagus nerve neuromodulation. I have mostly given up on treatment for my Crohn’s and have been focusing on maintenance and quality of life, however, I would like to try this device if I can raise the funds. The cost will be about US$800. I do have a reader/Patron who has generously offered to match funds. For anyone who would like to donate, my Patreon is here.

This medical researcher has been researching and reporting on COVID, long COVID and vaccines for the last couple of years. In the last few months, the vagus nerve has appeared on his radar too. He wrote about the vagus nerve, its function and its likely implication in various chronic illnesses here. In this video, he reviews a medical study on long COVID patients who received an experimental treatment on the vagus nerve and the results were surprisingly positive. The study authors consider whether the results are placebo related and conclude that they probably are not. The medical device used on these patients is available to purchase here.

I have also been interested in long-COVID symptoms of “anxiety” and to a lesser extent depression and I’ve started to seriously consider whether these are symptoms of physical disease, and not merely an “in your head” psychiatric diagnosis, particularly considering the antidepressant scandal where the serotonin theory of depression has been debunked. Around the same time I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, I recall talking with a friend who described terrible anxiety when running errands being her first symptom of what turned out to be a very serious physical illness. Since I’ve been ill, I have experienced terrible anxiety as well, which of course is at least partly (mostly?) situational and to be expected when anyone’s financial and physical security is dependent on their health and ability to work. I have framed this distress as existential terror/survival panic which it obviously is, at least partly. But is that all it is?

Continue reading “Vagus Nerve Neuromodulation + Long COVID. Patreon Pledge Drive.”

Post Vaccination Syndrome Described

For those who are still paying attention, I present the following video: New Yale Study: Vaccine Injured Are Highly Symptomatic with Poor Health (Preprint). Here is the paper it’s based on. According to this study, the most common physical symptoms of what they are calling Post Vaccine Syndrome are

exercise intolerance (71%), excessive fatigue (69%), numbness (63%), brain fog (63%), and neuropathy (63%).

I have found my people.

The most common “psychological” symptoms are

unease (93%), fearfulness (82%), and overwhelmed by worries (81%), as well as feelings of helplessness (80%), anxiety (76%), depression (76%), hopelessness (72%), and worthlessness (49%) at least once.

These are 100% preventable btw and are due to how we treat sick people. These symptoms are not due to the vaccine, illness or chronic illness per se.

The median (median!) number of interventions these poor people explored in order to get better, meaning that these people had money to throw at this problem and it didn’t fucking help, they are still sick, and have even less resources to deal with it than they did before:

Participants reported a median of 20 (IQR: 13 to 30) interventions to treat their condition.

The median. Wow.

In this vid, Dr. Been goes off the rails multiple times attempting to address what the trolls are saying in the comments in past videos and preemptively addressing what they are likely to contribute to this discussion. In my estimation, these “people” are likely bots or industry-paid trolls who drop in to derail the discussion with industry propaganda. Who else would even care enough to be that pro-vaccine? This is a serious question. I think the answer is no one, that’s who. Literally no normal person, even if they were pro-vaccine themselves, would likely be trolling vaccine-critical content some 3-years later and attempting to silence the vaccine injured and those who declined the opportunity to become vaccine injured themselves. Would they? Sorry but I just don’t see it.

I could be wrong of course. But as someone who has been creating feminist content for nearly 20 years (!) by now I can see that this is truly MRA-grade trolling/propaganda and the MRAs have everything to gain and nothing to lose by quashing feminist content and terrorizing those who dare to create it. Who has the same interest in vaccines? That just makes no sense to me. MRAs (men’s rights activists including trans-rights activists) follow their rage-boners into these spaces and these discussions and threatening women makes them hard, we know this. It is sexually gratifying for them to troll feminists and is sexually emasculating to them to ignore it. Who realistically would have a rage boner over vaccines? Well, who indeed.

Continue reading “Post Vaccination Syndrome Described”