Biopsychosocial = Medical Model in Disguise. Let’s Talk About Resilience.

This is an interview with Justin Garcon, a professor of philosophy and author on the topic of mental illness (or “madness”) as pain signal or survival strategy. He calls attention to the so-called “biopsychosocial” model of psychiatric disease as really being a wolf in sheep’s clothing, where we purposely no longer recognize that the condition/s known as madness still fall under the authority of Western medicine, only pretending that our concept of madness has evolved and is no longer medicalized, is less authoritarian, and more humane.

He asks, if so-called mental illness isn’t medicalized, why are doctors involved at all? Indeed. I would go further and ask, as I have asked before, if doctors can’t effectively treat various physical or mental conditions, why are they considered “medical” problems at all? (Why can’t these medical pricks stay in their lane? is a rhetorical question to most people reading here, obviously. It’s a tool of patriarchal control.) Here, “health problem” and “medical problem” are used interchangeably, which means that health and Western medicine are used interchangeably. We think they are the same thing and are encouraged to believe they are the same, but they aren’t the same.

In the same vein, and speaking of rewriting definitions, recently I’ve come across dialog around “health” and a supposedly evolved definition of health which has been rewritten from the historical definition of it, which was essentially to be free from physical disease. That old definition was altered somewhat by the WHO (World Health Organization) decades ago when it started to include mental and social well-being as well as physical health. Now, apparently, the definition has been rewritten again. From what I gather, now that so many people are chronically ill, and thus permanently unhealthy, we have made “resilience” synonymous with health. That means that a contemporary person is healthy if they are able to adapt to whatever circumstances, including serious physical and presumably mental disease. And obviously, adapt means that you are somehow (!) able to maintain a job and relationships, and participate in society.

Continue reading “Biopsychosocial = Medical Model in Disguise. Let’s Talk About Resilience.”

Sinéad O’Connor Pt. 3. Let’s Talk About Inflammation.

This wasn’t intended to be a Sinéad O’Connor series but it became one. Because the fucking antidepressant scandal issue flatly deserved its own post. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here.

I see no reality-based reason or justification to include doctors, Big Pharma concoctions or the Western medical machine in any discussion about mental health (except to give them a dressing down) while concurrently I obviously recognize the existence of mental and psychic pain. People are so concerned that we DO SOMETHING whenever we hear of anyone, or are ourselves, in the throes of terrible physical or mental pain that they (we) will go running to Western medicine for relief even in the complete absence of evidence that relief is something Western medicine can provide.

And that’s worth talking about, isn’t it. Is there a consumerist solution to everything? Is there? What about the antithesis of consumerism: are there things we should STOP DOING, or is DOING NOTHING ever indicated in any case of physical or psychic dis-ease? In the case of “unexplained” physical or mental symptoms it’s very possible that something we are do-ing already, as opposed to things we are not-doing or missing and/or our inherent lack, is partly or fully to blame. The alt-medicine community likes to say that physical and mental distress are not caused by a lack of Big Pharma chemicals afterall. And they must be right about that, mustn’t they.

Big Pharma chemicals are not a natural/native element in anyone’s body or environment and for millenia of human history played exactly zero part in human or animal bodily processes or health. There is plenty of evidence that Big Pharma chemicals cause iatrogenic injury and disease though. Just because we are encouraged (propagandized) to frame these Big Pharma effects as “side effects” doesn’t make them “side” or peripheral-anything.

In reality, iatrogenic injury and disease are the known effects of prescription and over the counter drugs. In the case of antipsychotics, schizophrenic patients who go “off their meds” are known to have much better long-term outcomes than those who continue to comply. That’s one obvious case in which Big Pharma meds themselves actually cause ongoing, increased psychiatric disability and disease. See generally Bruce Levine for more on that. It should be beyond debate that other types of Big Pharma concoctions also have unwanted known — not side — effects including “psychiatric” (read: mental, emotional and cognitive) effects. For example, most everyone has likely heard of the known (not side) effect of chemo-brain in those taking immunity-decimating chemotherapy treatment for cancer (or autoimmune disease). But does anyone ever suggest that someone JUST STOP whatever — anything — they are doing just in case it’s causing physical or mental dis-ease? Rarely.

So let’s talk about inflammation. While we know as of 2022 that Western medicine can no longer justify its brain-chemistry theory of mental illness, many rightly point out that regardless, mental dis-ease exists. Well of course it does. So where does it come from? That is a very relevant question considering that the cause would likely suggest an effective treatment if not a cure. While it is beyond my interest and the scope of this post to provide a review of the literature, I would suggest that anyone interested research body/brain inflammation as a cause of mental, emotional and cognitive dis-ease. Then, you are free to research how to prevent, treat or cure inflammation including chronic inflammation, otherwise known as autoimmune disease. Have fun, and settle in, because this will take a minute. (Spoiler alert: long term readers of this blog, autoimmune patients and others already know that autoimmune disease (aka chronic inflammation) is progressive with no known cure.)

Continue reading “Sinéad O’Connor Pt. 3. Let’s Talk About Inflammation.”

The Other Shoe Has Dropped for Ellie Mecham. Ft. Sjögren’s Disease.

I’ve been waiting for this for years, ever since I started watching Ellie and her family’s vlogs wherein she and her sister kept publicly shitting themselves and laughing about it. Despite what Ellie and her sister might think, believe or say, and despite Ellie explicitly identifying as “young and healthy” as recently as last summer after year$ $pent trying and failing to get relief from her migraines, constantly having issues with food including urgency, pain and explosive diarrhea are not normal mkay. And I don’t suppose anyone besides a radical feminist could be this humorless, you see, so let me be the one to say that women losing control of their bodies and bodily functions including being unable to reliably uptake nutrition and hydration from food and drink — which is what “tummy troubles” including chronic diarrhea actually are — is just not funny.

Beyond having issues with food, their shared crippling fatigue, nonhealing wounds and other symptoms and in Ellie’s case, vision problems, debilitating migraines and infertility are not things that are experienced by healthy people by definition. Get it? Although we don’t yet know if Ellie’s sister is sick too (she is) as of today, Ellie has announced that after years of illness and failed interventions by doctors and others, she has been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, Sjögren’s disease.

There is a lot that could be said about Ellie’s situation, and much that’s already been said about autoimmune disease generally, that I do not wish to rehash on this blog. What I would like to say about it is this. Ellie reports being “happy and relieved” to finally have a diagnosis because she now has answers to the questions that have plagued her and her family for years, but these questions were disingenuous, weren’t they. Ellie was obviously sick but she and her family just would not or could not accept the obvious without a medical doctor validating her with a diagnosis, even when it took years and thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to get there.

And even when the disease she ended up having, as with all autoimmune disease and all chronic illness by definition, is chronic, incurable, and mostly untreatable, and therefore should not be reasonably medicalized anyway because what’s the point? Seriously, what even is the point of what I have called the diagnostics racket, except that the patient demonstrate adequate submission to patriarchal medical authority and tithe her personal and generational wealth to the Church of Western Medicine?

For example, did she really need a doctor to tell her to stop eating ultraprocessed “treats” and “snacks” with toxic manmade chemicals including dyes and stablizers that literally no one should be eating anyway? Did she really? Query: if she considered these things to be nutritious, healthful food in the first place, why refer to them as treats or something to be eaten in moderation instead of eating them as meals? This “treats” language is truly insidious gaslighting about food and what it is and isn’t.

And completely unhelpfully, Ellie now has a list of good and bad foods (ruh roh, that’s not politically correct Ellie, all foods are supposedly good now and there is no such thing as a “clean” diet) but the one thing her doctor probably won’t tell her, and none of my own doctors told me either, is to stop eating GMOs (and pesticides) immediately and to stop feeding them to her kids ffs. Because despite all the evidence that GMOs are actually not safe at all, regardless of what Monsanto says, GMOs are “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) which is an industry term/weasel words that means that so far, the industry hasn’t funded or released research showing that the thing they want to sell you is harmful. Which is hardly a surprise is it. GRAS very notably does NOT mean that the thing has been proven to be safe to be consumed by women or children or anyone. This is important. Ellie’s list of safe foods — where “diet” is what she is supposed to be focusing all her energy on now — is probably all GMO garbage and thus, not actually food at all.

Continue reading “The Other Shoe Has Dropped for Ellie Mecham. Ft. Sjögren’s Disease.”

Lyme Disease Misdiagnosed As Schizophrenia + Living With Medical Mistakes. Ft. Ren

Regarding the first video, I’ve been following this music reaction channel for awhile, the host is an academic, professional opera singer and voice coach and has surely forgotten more about music and singing than most people will ever know. Today she reacted to Ren’s performance of Hi Ren and as I do, I was reading the comments while watching and listening to the reaction and I gleaned something about the performer, namely, that he has been sick half his life with undiagnosed and misdiagnosed Lyme disease.

Apparently, and this was hardly a deep dive on my part, but apparently Ren was misdiagnosed and otherwise abused/neglected by the medical system for over a decade, being pushed into addiction and psychosis by benzodiazepines (Diazepam/Valium) and God knows what else as part of his so-called mental health treatment. For a mental health condition he didn’t even have. All the while being on a slow burn with essentially untreated autoimmune disease.

And this has been a gaping wound on my psyche for years ever since I first heard Peter Breggin talking about it: feeding psych meds to extremely physically ill people whose weakened and deteriorating bodies simply cannot tolerate the chemical assault is probably the worst physical and mental insult I can imagine and considering my own lifelong experience with Western medicine, that’s saying something, innit. Of course, Peter Breggin’s online catalog has now been eviscerated due to corporate and government censorship of his material on COVID so I can’t even link to his work.

So first, I would like to reiterate the problem, and it’s not just a problem with psych meds although that adds a wrinkle: I am coming to understand that physically weakened and deteriorating bodies — people — largely cannot tolerate the additional chemical assault of any Big Pharma drug, let alone those dispensed for conditions the sick people don’t even have. And a lot of physically ill people do not have the physical or psychiatric conditions with which they have been diagnosed. Get it?

It might take a moment of detatchment from the insidious, ever present medical machine to recognize this, and that’s not a small hurdle, but once you recognize that Big Pharma “medications” — whatever else they may or may not be — are before anything man-made poisonous chemicals that themselves cause iatrogenic injury and disease, the thought of administering them to people who are already extremely physically ill seems like a very bad idea. In Ren’s case, he was apparently made psychotic by the chemical insult, or the combination of the chemical insult and untreated underlying disease over time, and has lasting neurological, cognitive and physical damage from this type and degree of care.

Continue reading “Lyme Disease Misdiagnosed As Schizophrenia + Living With Medical Mistakes. Ft. Ren”

How Sexy Am I Now? On Kary Mullis & So-Called “Nobel Disease”

TW: Actor Juliette Lewis screaming “How sexy am I now?” while pretending to kick the shit out of and then kill some hillbilly rapist who deserved it. He initially found her character to be sexy (or sexy enough to exploit) but then rapidly changed his mind once she did something he didn’t like. From Natural Born Killers.

“Kary Mullis [PCR Inventor] – The Full Interview by Gary Null [HIV/AIDS]” (1996) ⚕️

This made me laugh and laugh. Somehow, I happened across this article from Skeptical Inquirer magazine describing so-called Nobel Disease. Upon reading the preamble I knew that Nobel Prize recipient Kary Mullis would be on this list. And indeed he is. Apparently, enough distinguished scientists, particularly Nobel Prize recipients, are predisposed to entertaining unusual ideas and/or are prone to irrational thinking that someone decided to name the phenomenon. Apparently, whoever names these things settled on Nobel Disease.

In this article, we explore the [] question of whether and to what extent the Nobel Prize, conceptualized as a partial but imperfect proxy of scientific brilliance, is incompatible with irrationality. To do so, we draw on case studies of several Nobel-winning scientists who appear to have succumbed to the Nobel Disease. […] In the case of the Nobel Disease, the capsule case histories we present strongly suggest that intellectual brilliance can coexist with yawning gaps in skeptical thinking.

Specifically, we offer brief descriptions of eight Nobel laureates in the sciences who embraced “weird” ideas. Following Shermer (2003), we define weird ideas as assertions that are (a) highly implausible in light of scientific knowledge; (b) roundly rejected by essentially all scientific experts; and (c) based mostly or exclusively on anecdotal or uncorroborated evidence. Because merely entertaining the possibility of an unsupported claim, such as the existence of extrasensory perception (ESP), does not indicate a critical thinking lapse, we focus on Nobelists who clung to one or more weird idea with considerable conviction.

The Nobel Disease: When Intelligence Fails to Protect against Irrationality. Skeptical Inquirer. May/June 2020.

That last part is important and I do not think Skeptical Inquirer pays it the attention it deserves: merely entertaining the possibility of an unsupported claim does not indicate a critical thinking lapse. And indeed it does not. We have discussed that before in the context of COVID panicpanic where a normie sister put her “conspiracy theorist” brother on blast for daring to entertain the possibility of various so-called COVID conspiracy theories early in the pandemic. For those who have had their fingers in their ears the last weeks and months and haven’t heard the latest news, many if not most so-called conspiracy theories are turning out to have been spoiler alerts and the truth is coming out just now. In many cases, it’s turning out that the COVID conspiracy theorists were right and have been right or at the very least were rightly skeptical of the Establishment narrative this whole time. D’oh.

Continue reading “How Sexy Am I Now? On Kary Mullis & So-Called “Nobel Disease””

Well, That’s One Interpretation of the Evidence. Moron Excess Deaths.

This about sums up the three possible explanations for what is currently being recognized as an excess mortality event, where on a more or less global scale, especially cardiac events are causing more people to die weekly now than were dying before the COVID pandemic. Now 3 years into a global pandemic, a pandemic that’s supposedly over, why are we even worse-off than we were before as far as local, regional and global death rates from especially cardiovascular events, despite Draconian measures taken to “stop the spread” and otherwise protect the population from the effects of SARS-COV-2, otherwise known as the COVID virus?

In the first vid, Jonquil Jones annoyingly and ritualistically repeats the “wear a mask” mantra interspersed with listing the effects of so-called long-COVID which is causing people to become too ill to work with symptoms including extreme physical and mental fatigue. While universal masking would seem to be a relatively innocuous intervention and easy enough for most people to implement, lest anyone think Jones favors innocuous interventions generally, she also continues to insist that anyone who isn’t a complete shitheel (or a misogynist) will also be “fully vaccinated” whatever that is adjudged to mean today, this minute or this second, which currently means having accepted every available dose including the newly released Bivalent booster which is now available to everyone at age 5.

Jones also notes that young children are taking ill and dying due to a surge in RSV infections and postulates that it’s because their “immune systems are shot” which does seem to be the case, but why might that be? Here, Jones chooses to believe that children’s immune systems are shot because COVID, specifically COVID infection and the effects of long-COVID, and thus that wearing masks would have prevented the current outbreak of RSV in children and will prevent such outbreaks in the future, but are any of those things really true?

Equally if not even more compelling explanations for children’s immune systems being “shot” 3 years into a global pandemic would seem to be that the effects of social isolation from the COVID lockdowns have interfered with children developing natural immunity to common pathogens like RSV, and/or that the mid- and long-term effects of experimental COVID vaccines have had unintended (or unknown, or unknowable) consequences to people’s immune systems, including the immune systems of vaccinated children. But Jones does not find these alternative, yet at least as (if not more) likely, explanations compelling enough to even talk about because it interferes with her agenda, which is apparently authority-worship and to shame and coerce women and children into accepting the diktates of our corporate and State overlords including Big Pharma and patriarchal (Western) medicine. Whatever those constantly changing diktates are today.

Next up, in the second vid, John Campbell addresses the current, documented increased mortality event (he has previously addressed the increased mortality of specifically neonates) and notes that we are losing far more people now than were lost pre-pandemic, and that these excess deaths have been found to be unrelated to COVID. So what is the cause? And troublingly, why were the numbers of COVID-related deaths meticulously reported-on by the global corporate media while the current even greater deaths in every age group are not being reported by the mainstream media at all?

Campbell includes quotes from a researcher and cardiologist saying that we should never ever have implemented a pandemic response that did not consider indirect and long-term effects of COVID interventions including lockdowns and vaccines. And that as it is, we are now demonstrably experiencing more deaths, morbidity and economic effects from the lockdowns and other measures than were experienced from COVID itself, and yet, the direct effects of COVID infection are still being prioritized while the indirect, knock-on effects of the response to COVID are being largely if not completely ignored. Campbell concludes that “there is something pretty horrible going on” resulting in over 1,800 non-COVID related excess deaths per week in the UK alone, compared to pre-pandemic rates, and that it is time to demand investigation of and action regarding this documented excess mortality event.

Continue reading “Well, That’s One Interpretation of the Evidence. Moron Excess Deaths.”

On Fatphobia. Let’s Talk About Normalization

Taylor Swift was nearly canceled recently over this video which has now been edited, where she is (well, was) shown stepping on a bathroom scale that reads “FAT.” Self-identified “fatties” everywhere including small fats, medium fats, large fats, superfats and infinifats — again, these labels are all self-imposed — and their allies found this content “fatphobic” and demanded that Swift edit the video, to which demands she obliged. Two additional female artists, Beyonce and Lizzo, also recently edited their work where their use of the word “spaz” was found to be spazphobic. Of course, the use of the suffix “phobic” indicates fear of a thing, which I think is a lazy use of the word. Of course, we have all been beaten about the head and neck over perceived “transphobia” for the last decade (or more) when we aren’t actually talking about fear there either. At least, not fear of gender as such, including trans gender.

Although activists don’t appear to recognize this, obesity and spastic conditions have a shared origin in serious physical illness that is largely untreatable by Western medicine, also known as chronic illness. This includes autoimmune disease. People with spasticity or spastic conditions are recognized to be legitimately, systemically ill, but fat people are not, even though serious illness is known to cause obesity or something that looks like obesity: systemic inflammation. In my experience, the key to distinguishing systemic inflammation from obesity proper is in the ankles. Kankles, swollen feet and sausage-toes are indicative of inflammation, not fat, and pitting edema is definitely not fat for fuck’s sake. A few times, very few, I have seen fat people with bony ankles, but I have never seen bony ankles on someone who was chronically or acutely inflamed. I recently came to understand that I am probably allergic to honey, when after using it in my tea for several days in a row, I experienced a raging case of kankles that mostly went away once I stopped using honey. Great, one more thing I can’t have since becoming seriously chronically ill. For the record, I myself am now “fat” having experienced weight gain for the first time as an adult in my late 20s-early 30s, concurrently with my declining health.

And pitting edema was one of my earliest signs that something was seriously wrong, where 7 or 8 years before I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, my abdomen, lower legs, feet, and ankles started routinely swelling up to nearly twice their size, and pressing a finger into the flesh left a lasting divot. According to the Mayo Clinic, edema including pitting edema is indicative of serious health conditions including congestive heart failure, kidney failure, cirrhosis, chronic venous insufficiency, inadequate or damaged lymphatic drainage, or severe, long term protein deficiency. Let that sink in a minute, especially that last one. Apparently, starving to death on a severely protein-deficient diet can make you look fat. It looks like fat, but it’s not fat.

Continue reading “On Fatphobia. Let’s Talk About Normalization”

A Survivor Is A Stupid Shit Who Got Too Close to Something Dangerous. Reframing the Survivor-Hero Narrative.

Dating men is insane and ill-advised. Indeed.

I’ve been writing about unethical sci-med and megalomaniacal practitioners and I promised a part 2 to the Survivor-Hero narrative post which has yet to materialize. What I really want to talk about is 2 female ME/CFS patients who have had radical, experimental neck surgeries to treat or cure their ME/CFS but got more than they bargained for. The first one, the “success” story of the 2, had multiple neck and spinal surgeries after which her ME/CFS has been “in remission” but she now has recurrent cerebrospinal fluid leaks and other complications from her surgical wounds. You really have to search for that information too, because from what I saw, she doesn’t say it until literally the last and final post on her blog. One could easily spend hours reading her self-reports and come away with the impression that the surgery cured her with no serious complications or need for ongoing care. That impression would be wrong.

The “tragic” story is that of Jenny Rowbory, a UK patient with ME/CFS and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) who had a similar spinal fusion surgery that left her even more disabled than she was before, and considering how serious her ME/CFS was that’s saying quite a lot. Before the surgery, apparently Jenny had severe symptoms from both the ME/CFS and EDS including neck instability but had been able to at least sit up and toilet herself. Now, after the surgery, she can’t lift or move her head, and thus is left supine and immobile in bed and requires constant care including the use of a bedpan to relieve herself. She can’t be bathed or shampooed because any movement of her neck could cause asphyxia, spinal cord injury, paralysis or death. She is currently attempting to raise funds, hoping that with £750,000 — nearly a million US dollars — she will be able to fund private medical flights to and from the UK and to be operated on by a “brilliant” American neurosurgeon who “know what’s what”. Here is what the family writes on Jenny’s GoFundMe page (linked above):

Jenny’s operation in January was meant to help support the skull and vertebrae below so that they didn’t move around anymore. Other people with M.E. have found that they have the same structural problems and when their instabilities were fixed with a fusion, they were also cured of their M.E. and their reduced blood flow (due to the structural problems), returned to normal when the structure was fixed, and so they instantly had their energy back. So not only was Jenny expecting to wake up from surgery with her life saved from having the structural problems fixed, she thought the severe M.E. would potentially be gone too. Neither of these things happened. In fact, her neck became more destabilised, not only at the fusion site but in additional places all the way down, and the M.E. got worse because the operation blocked the place where she was managing to get a bit more blood through to her head. We all have been devastated.

Expectation vs. reality. Where have we heard this before.

That’s what I really want to talk about, but where to start? How can I possibly begin to talk about this without sounding unsympathetic (or cruel) to the victims of both serious chronic illness and of Western medicine that either replaced one illness or disability with another or made the patient demonstrably, objectively worse? We are talking about so-called “side effects” of medical treatment here, otherwise known as iatrogenic illness and injury, where the medical intervention present risks and dangers in itself. Welp, after thinking about it for weeks, I offer the following thought exercise. What if we replaced the Survivor-Hero narrative literally everywhere it is used with the following narrative: a “Survivor” is a stupid shit who got too close to something dangerous, and there are consequences for that. Does that sound mean? Maybe it does, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true. People take risks every day, people get close to dangerous things because reasons, people get hurt. It happens. Does accepting responsibility for the risks we take change anything about the Survivor-Hero narrative that makes having this conversation possible, even productive? You tell me.

From where I’m sitting, a Stupid Shit narrative is helpful because it forces us to recognize risk and calls attention to the consequences of risk-taking and of performing inadequate cost-benefit analyses. Getting too close to dangerous things is a reckless behavior that could theoretically be remedied, but the thought-termination around evaluating actual risk — what is dangerous and what is not — is extreme. Thinking (actually, forced-perspective, which is devoid of thought) of often megalomaniacal Western medical doctors as “heroes” and their victims as survivors or heroes themselves is just one example of a thought terminating risk-obscuring narrative, but it’s a good one. Here’s another: for awhile now, rape victims have been called “survivors” instead of victims but what if we called raped women what they often are: stupid shits who got too close to something dangerous and got themselves hurt? Men are dangerous, vile creatures (obviously) and they have been self-reporting for millenia that they are physically, mentally and otherwise compelled to rape. We know this.

Obviously where the victim is a child and/or otherwise had nowhere to go/be except to be in the presence of a rapist, I would not call the victim a stupid shit, but I would say that they are suffering forseeable consequences, not just of forced proximity to dangerous men (well, men) but of having to rely on almost exclusively female “caretakers” who allow it to happen and a justice system and larger culture that deliberately undermines victims and supports perpetrators. Oh dear, now my alternative framing/Stupid Shit narrative is taking us into collective responsibility territory and ain’t no one interested in that. Does the Survivor-Hero narrative actually prevent us from considering collective responsibility for what happens to friends, family and members of our communities and for that matter, for what happens to ourselves? Because that’s interesting. That’s very fucking interesting. I will leave it there for now.

Comments open.

Whitney Dafoe Mansplaining ME/CFS + More On The Diagnostics Racket.

Female ME/CFS patient is incarcerated in psych ward and later dies from untreated ME/CFS.

Diver has written about ME/CFS on her blog and I would like to add/explore the following. As I was reading and thinking on her post, I was Googling at the same time, as I always do, and I found an update on the case of Whitney Dafoe, a male ME/CFS patient who was one of several patients featured in Jenn Brea’s documentary film Unrest.* Dafoe is obviously an outlier case in many ways, the first being that he is male, when most ME/CFS sufferers are female. Dafoe also has a “severe” to “extremely severe” case of ME/CFS and his father is an academic and medical researcher who has taken on the task of finding the mechanism of — and a cure for — the disease as a personal challenge. From what I recall, Dafoe’s father, Ronald Davis, has identified differences in ME/CFS patients’ physiology as compared to healthy people, where ME/CFS patients have demonstrable physical trouble converting food and drink into energy. His current project is to develop a diagnostic tool based on red blood cells’ response to oxidative stress.

There is currently no cure for ME/CFS and available treatments are only experimental and don’t work, work well, or work for long to ease the physical and mental suffering of the several million diagnosed ME/CFS patients. Where have we heard that before? Anyone with a serious chronic illness, if they have had it long enough and tried enough “treatments” knows that propaganda is what Western medicine and Big Pharma do best. Offering treatments that work, work well, and work long term — without making things worse — not so much. In the above vid, uploaded in 2009, the case of Sophia Mirza is highlighted and is said to have been an early if not the first and only documented case of a patient dying from ME/CFS, where ME/CFS was listed as a cause of death on her 2005 death certificate.

Sophia Mirza was a diagnosed ME/CFS patient and was sectioned by the UK government (read: involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital) due to her unrelenting physical, cognitive and “mental” ME/CFS symptoms for which she was never effectively treated. The 2-week incarceration (and Two Minutes Hate) sent her health into a downward spiral and she died 2 years later from renal failure due to dehydration from ME/CFS. And as we can see with a little Googling, even this apparently sympathetic reporting was biased and incorrect, where at the time of Mirza’s death in the UK, “other deaths had been directly attributed to CFS in the United States and Australia. Fatalities have been attributed to CFS or ME since at least 1956.” Apparently, a post mortem revealed abnormalities in Mirza’s spine and spinal fluid, indicating that her ME/CFS was a neurological condition with markers of physical (read: not mental) disease.

There is a lot that could be said, and plenty that has already been said, about ME/CFS that is outside my wheelhouse and/or beyond the scope of this post. What I would like to address here, firstly, is the issue of diagnostics, and diagnostic testing for chronic, largely (or fully) untreatable diseases like ME/CFS and the incurable, progressive disease I suffer from, Crohn’s disease. In my estimation, and I have written about this before, diagnostics is a racket, whereby sick people’s bodily systems, and the body-mind connection, are ritualistically severed and compartmentalized by Western medicine, where compartmentalization is inherently necrophilic and not compatible with life. The body cannot be physically separated from its parts without vastly undermining or killing it, and the “metaphorical” separation inherent in the diagnostics process is (therefore) a metaphor for necrophilia, torture and murder. Isn’t it?

It’s also not entirely a metaphor, where diagnostic procedures themselves are often invasive and dangerous, and a “diagnosis” implicates treatment with known and unknown “side effects” where side effects is a euphemism for iatrogenic illness and injury, up to and including increased and aggregated suffering, disability and death. The takeaway from Sophia Mirza’s autopsy, from my perspective, is that a spinal tap or other invasive procedure on a living person’s spine might be diagnostic for ME/CFS, but are we willing to subject extremely sick, suffering and debilitated people — usually women — to a spine-stabbing for diagnostic purposes, when even in the case of diagnosed “legitimate” patients there is no effective treatment and no cure? What even is the purpose of diagnosing anyone with these illnesses, besides the physical and mental torture of the patient woman and perhaps the emotional (or financial) satisfaction of third parties who won’t modify or improve their behavior anyway, even when the sick person is known to be legitimately sick? This is a serious question. Sophia Mirza apparently had an “official” diagnosis of ME/CFS and look how she was treated/not treated anyway.

Continue reading “Whitney Dafoe Mansplaining ME/CFS + More On The Diagnostics Racket.”

Anyone Have A Bad Day Yesterday? Moron The Antidepressant Scandal and So-Called “Mental Health”

I was looking for a vid like this to include with my last post on the antidepressant scandal but as of 2 days ago, this vid did not exist. It was just posted today. This is what I would call a combination shortcut/springboard where we as oppressed people do not have access to data and truthful interpretations of the data, and what’s available is all created by men. We can use what already exists to save ourselves time, and to not have to reinvent the wheel, but we should feel very free to add our own filters, insights and interpretations to men’s work for obvious reasons. Those reasons being that men lie and everything they touch, by definition, turns to shit.

I didn’t have a “bad day” yesterday but I did wake up, as I sometimes do, wondering if I was still stoned from my medical marijuana edible taken night before, if my niacin or another supplement was fucking with me, or if I’d had a stroke in my sleep. It could’ve been any or all of the above, or none of the above, or it could’ve been any or all of the above in combination with this:

Red and yellow are bad.

Let’s call this the third rail of mental and physical health that most people don’t even know is there: the electromagnetic forces affecting the Earth and its inhabitants, as measured and recorded on the Planetary K Index. This electromagnetism data is processed and displayed in real time by NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the US government. The tl;dr is that historically, we have been both more and less protected from these forces than we are now, and we can expect the protection we do have to decrease from now on until some endpoint. We don’t have to discuss what the endpoint is expected to look like, or when it will arrive, today. The decreasing protection from electromagnetism means more “bad days” for those who are prone to them, and those people seem to be those who are already physically and/or mentally ill.

What “mentally ill” even means now, of course, being a huge unknown/variable that we all just collectively became aware of like 2 weeks ago when we all got the memo that there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance in anyone’s brain and there never has been. Not until you start taking neurotoxic psychiatric or psychotropic drugs that is. Then your brain does have a “chemical imbalance” issue it never had before, which imbalance apparently rights itself once the drugs are stopped. Peter Breggin talks a lot about that and he gives the gist in the interview from my last post.

So, increased inflammation including heart issues, joint pain and autoimmune symptoms for those who already have those. More anxiety, depression and psychosis for those who have experienced them before. Here I would note that both COVID infection and the COVID vaccines seem to be causing or exacerbating inflammatory issues in those who have been exposed to them, so who is and isn’t “already sick” and thus particularly vulnerable to electromagnetic effects is currently unknown. This so-called vulnerable group could potentially include almost everyone by now, if not every last person on the planet.

Continue reading “Anyone Have A Bad Day Yesterday? Moron The Antidepressant Scandal and So-Called “Mental Health””

On Shattered Records. A Note on Disclosure. #MEGAFLASH

Earlier this month, the mainstream media gushed over yet another “shattered record” as if shattering records is fucking normal and not an obvious aberration. And I’m not talking about the male tranny who is smashing records in I mean singlehandedly (with institutional support) destroying women’s elite level competitive swimming, although that’s also an example of the same gushing, and the same normalizing of/misdirection away from the occurrence of something seriously weird and thus, worth a serious looking-at.

I am talking about the recent disclosure of record-breaking lightning events happening in both North and South America. Apparently, 2 previous records were “shattered” when, in April, 2020 an unprecedented nearly 500-mile long lightning bolt tore across three American states and 2 months later, in June, 2020, a single lightning bolt lit up the skies over Uruguay and Argentina for over 17 seconds. As Smithsonian Magazine reports,

Before the pair of storms in 2020, the previous longest-documented lightning bolt spanned 440.6 miles and was recorded in Brazil in 2018. The former record-holder for the longest duration lightning bolt was set in March 2019 by a 16.73-second bolt recorded over Argentina.

Mainstream normalizing and misdirection (source linked above).

Although I do not have the previous records on hand, and I don’t even know if they are available, I would guess that these records aren’t historically shattered every year or every other year, but that’s clearly what we are expected to assume when it’s reported that the previous records were set only a year or two before. From prior experience as a media consumer, I can surmise that these records for distance and duration of lightning bolts were probably solidly held for decades if not centuries before they began being repeatedly “shattered” and that this indicates that a recent significant, abrupt change has occurred that no one wants to talk about.

Continue reading “On Shattered Records. A Note on Disclosure. #MEGAFLASH”

Kary Mullis (Inventor of PCR Test) Full Interview with Gary Null

There are no old, wise men there at the top of “science” making sure we don’t do something really dumb.

The immune system is incredibly complicated. Immunologists’ brains are not nearly complicated enough to deal with it.

Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize recipient and inventor of PCR test

Clips of this interview are easily found online (for now) but the whole interview is available for those who are interested. Kary Mullis was an American biochemist who shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method also known as the PCR test. In 1996 he recounted having hit a wall in his prior HIV research when he was unable to source the seemingly benign statement that “HIV is the probable cause of AIDS.”

When he started asking questions about the origin of this statement so that he could properly cite it in his written work, it caused problems in his life and his career. Mullis was never able to source this statement, which is a strange if not unheard of occurrence in science where researchers often climb all over each other pining for “credit” for their discoveries. In this case, it seems as if the statement became accepted, and then mainstream, but was not based on any actual experiments. So what was the statement which became a belief and then an accepted “scientific” fact — that HIV causes AIDS — based on? Mullis seems to be asking a legitimate scientific question and was unable to find a satisfactory science-based answer. There are interesting parallels to be made between Mullis’s experience and the current environment of question-shaming regarding the COVID19 pandemic.

Continue reading “Kary Mullis (Inventor of PCR Test) Full Interview with Gary Null”

Dear Fucktards. Eric Clapton is Not Anti-Vax. He Got the Fucking Vax and Was Injured by It. Stop Making Me Defend This Dickhead. Stop Fucking Lying.

I have fucking had it with the lies! This is really too much. Lest anyone believe that Eric Clapton occupies a special place in my heart, or that I enjoy defending him, or something, let’s start here. Eric Clapton is a Boomer with a guitar. In my estimation, that is the sum and substance of Eric Clapton as a human, as an artist, and as a man. His solo music sucks and his COVID anthem is trite af. His comparison of the global COVID19 lockdowns to black slavery is racist, white male privileged hogswallop. That’s because he is a privileged white male, but that never bothered anyone before, did it.

And no one cares about racism in the entertainment industry mkay. If they did, Robert Downey, Jr. would’ve been canceled after his blackface role in Tropic Thunder. Instead, he earned an Oscar nod for the role and went on to play Iron Man for Marvel. His Iron Man character anchored the entire MCU and earned millions for himself and billions for the Marvel brand. Fucking billions. Think about that shit. And Downey, Jr. defends the blackface role to this day. And both he and Marvel keep earning. No one cares about racism in entertainment. They do not care.

So. Back to Eric Clapton. Clapton is ugly and doesn’t clean up nice. He looks like he smells like plaque and cabbage. He is repellent in every way. I personally don’t even give a fuck that his young son died a million years ago. I just don’t care. His musical tribute to his son was lame and made me think he has no idea what love (or music or a tribute) even is. Which he probably doesn’t, because he is male. As someone once pointed out to me, if Clapton’s fingers weren’t so freakishly long, he likely wouldn’t be able to play guitar at all. He fell into his music career because of his damnable long fingers and because he was a white male born in the right time and place and I will never respect that ever.

I couldn’t possibly care less about any human being on the face of the earth, living or dead. If I had the chance to meet him, I wouldn’t. I feel sorry for any woman who has ever been in a relationship with him, like I feel sorry for every woman who has ever been in a relationship with any man. Talented (or “talented”) and otherwise coddled men might be the worst men of all. If it sounds like I hate him, I don’t. Most days, I don’t think about him at all.

Eric Clapton might be (or not be) a lot of things, but he is not anti-vax. Eric Clapton actually willingly got the vax and had a severe reaction to it — like Kyle, and thousands of other people who “did the right thing” Clapton let Big Pharma fucking experiment on him with an unvetted novel gene therapy technology, only to be rewarded for his compliance with devastating vaccine injuries and likely permanently deteriorating health.

Continue reading “Dear Fucktards. Eric Clapton is Not Anti-Vax. He Got the Fucking Vax and Was Injured by It. Stop Making Me Defend This Dickhead. Stop Fucking Lying.”

Big Bird Isn’t Real. It Doesn’t Have A Wing. It Doesn’t Have a Body. It Wasn’t Vaccinated. It Doesn’t Have Health and Thus Has No Effect On Others’ Health. It Was Never Little. It Doesn’t Have Ideas.

So. Hoooooooooowwwwwwww is this not misinformation? How has this obvious misinformation regarding COVID19 not been censored? How is this even a valid Twitter account? I have questions about how an inanimate object — in this case, a costume from the wardrobe department of a children’s television program — can have an opinion on this or anything. I have questions about how the content of a Tweet allegedly made by a costume (so many layers of deception here) is subject to no scrutiny while the Tweets, shares, videos, articles and whatnot of actual humans are subject to high scrutiny, if not outright forbidden from entering the marketplace of ideas at all.

Clearly, it’s the message that either is or isn’t the problem, and what is considered misinformation as opposed to information has nothing to do with truth, the credibility (or existence) of the speaker, or the delivery. Good to know.

Continue reading “Big Bird Isn’t Real. It Doesn’t Have A Wing. It Doesn’t Have a Body. It Wasn’t Vaccinated. It Doesn’t Have Health and Thus Has No Effect On Others’ Health. It Was Never Little. It Doesn’t Have Ideas.”

I Predicted This. Blaming Everything on COVID. Ft. Pediatric COVID Long-Haulers

This has to be one of the most convoluted articles I have read since the pandemic began, and that’s saying something, innit. Today, HuffPo wrote about pediatric COVID long-haulers, or children who experience symptoms like fevers, fatigue and brainfog for longer than 3 months. A lot of children with these symptoms get better after a few weeks or even up to 3 months, but the 3-month mark seems to be the point at which medical providers are willing to diagnose a child with “long haul COVID” or post-COVID condition, even if that child had never been tested for COVID, and never had symptoms of COVID, and had subsequent negative or “inconsistent” COVID antibody tests. What’s that now? Yes, apparently we are now blaming children’s chronic illness on COVID even in the complete absence of evidence that the child ever had COVID at all.

Previously, I wrote about my observation about COVID, which is that it is a convenient scapegoat on which to blame literally everything these days, from mental and physical symptoms to poverty. In that post, I included videos from several catastrophism channels and explained my belief that incoming geomagnetic events are likely causing widespread physical and mental symptoms that will soon become impossible to ignore. In the northern hemisphere, we have also been bathed in radiation from the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster for the past 10 years, where radiation exposure is known to cause chronic conditions including “radiation enteritis” which looks and acts almost exactly like Crohn’s disease, as a matter of fact.

While I am still very open to new information, at this point I am fairly confident that much of what we know as chronic physical and mental illness are actually reactions to electromagnetism and other things in our environment; that these environmental conditions are only going to get worse over time, causing worsening physical and mental health over time; and that the general public would sooner believe anything, literally anything, is causing it except what appears to be the actual, real truth of the matter, which is that in fairly short order this planet will probably be rendered uninhabitable, and that this has happened before.

I know how that sounds, but there is quite a lot of evidence that there is a cyclical pattern of global catastrophe on this planet, and that we have lived — barely lived — through the “Great Reset” before. And that there are ancient ruling families who have access to this information and are deliberately hiding the truth. Who knows what they blamed everything on last time, but this time, apparently COVID is the boogeyman who is stealing our collective health and redistributing our resources to the tune of trillions of dollars since the start of the “pandemic” over a year ago.

Continue reading “I Predicted This. Blaming Everything on COVID. Ft. Pediatric COVID Long-Haulers”